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Walt Alexander’s series of devotional essays


Now the car that I drive is a 2006 Nissan Sentra. A couple years ago I misjudged the distance while I was parking and broke off a piece of my front passenger side bumper. I have not had a chance or the money to get it fixed. So I have

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John Horse was a Afro-Native American born in 1812. He was a member of the Black Seminoles in Central and Southern Florida. He grew up under an occupying army (the United States) and was treated by the Americans and by the Seminoles as something like a 2nd class citizen as

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A few weeks ago, I pulled up my recommendations for Youtube.  I like to hear about the details about different movies and the stories behind them and in the list of recommendations was a video about Stanley Kubrick’s making of the Shining and some theories about the symbolism that he

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My father passed away a long time ago in 1988. However, he wrote notes to himself all over his many notebooks and folders. He wrote a note to himself on one of his file separators that I had set and framed that read, “Remember, its the little things that count!”

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The Man-Thing creature in the Marvel comics was one of my favorite characters. I loved the mystical nature of the character and the interesting supporting characters.  I also love the idea that he is neither good or bad. The story of the Man-Thing revolves around a scientist named Ted Sallis

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I have been surprised about how well I have been handling this quarantine and the fear of contracting the Coronavirus. But the truth is that I have been more concerned about what is going to happen in 8.5 years when Apophis makes its pass. Apophis is a meteor that will

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Today, with the Coronovirus, we are all under a lot of stress. We are all looking for answers and expect those in authority to have answers they just don’t have now and they may never have. A lot of people are looking at me for answers that I do not

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Men of Value has not posted anything new since January of 2019. Duh/ However. it is NOT dead. We are re-tooling and pushing some money around to pick it up later. I loved doing it and so did JD and Jim. We are all committed to our nation’s Judeo-Christian values

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As I have expressed before, I have been (slowly, with a shambling, deadish gait) following The Walking Dead and Fear the Walking Dead. However, a few years ago I also discovered the Syfy Channel’s Z Nation. Z Nation was a somewhat comedic take on the zombie craze. Z Nation really pushed the boundaries of zombie cures, then

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