Europe CEO of the year 2021
David Hamer, Chief Executive Officer of Pakawaste Ltd, market leader in the field of waste handling equipment, has recently been announced as the winner of this year’s prestigious Global 100 – Europe CEO of the year for 2021 award.

What Is A Business Intelligence Solution?
Business Intelligence has become a buzzword nowadays. Business Intelligence(BI), is fast becoming a reliable analytical tool as enterprises are now more than ever faced with volumes of raw data and the ever-growing challenge of sorting and deriving meaningful insights from the data.

Are NFTs driving the hype around the real estate metaverse?
NFTs, The Metaverse, virtual real estate. If you’ve been following tech reports and news or even mainstream media, chances are you’ve heard one of these terms floating about. We are all familiar with the term ‘real-estate,’ and virtual real estate is exactly as you might imagine.

Is The Child Shy And Introverted? Teach You How to Guide
There is a difference in children. Even children born to the same parents will not be exactly the same. Some children are lively and like to socialize, and some children are quiet and like to play by themselves. These performances are normal, but different presentations of personality differences.

Concentrate On Your Golf Swing
To be a good golfer you have to get really good at the most important part of the game: hitting the ball. This is a problem area for beginning golfers, thinking there is not much too actually hitting a ball with a club. However, this part of the game is the most technical and important skill. It looks simple. Smack the ball and it goes where you have your eyes trained. But then you quickly realize the ball has arrived in the tree-line or upside the head of the poor guy standing next to you…..that is if you hit the ball at all!

Stick to an Investment Strategy in Crypto Currencies
The thing with an investment strategy in crypto currency, especially with regards to long term investment, is that it works much the same way as other forms of investment do. First of all, you need to have a solid foundation on which you would be building your strategy. It is very important, since this is a new form of investment that is still sort of finding its way, that you invest an amount of money that you would be able to live without. This would make sure that no matter what happens you would not be affected significantly at all.

Creative Ways to Keep Your Social Media Followers Engaged
When you have engaged in social media with a certain purpose, your followers will drive that purpose and fulfill the goals. For example, many bloggers link their social media account with their blogging sites to have more exposure. Similarly, many businesses promote their brands on social media like Nike, Dominos, KFC, Vogue Fashion, and others.

Find Out What Your Competitors Are Doing
We often get asked to find out what your competitors are doing. Competitor analysis has always been essential when doing business planning, sales and marketing. When researching your competitors, you need to start by knowing what you are looking for. What you are going to do with the information, and how it will help you.

Game of Thrones Part 1 The Lust of the Eyes
Waaaay Back in grad school I remember going to a Campus Crusade event at Temple University. They separated the men and the women and had all us men sit down together. Yes, this was back when there were only 2 genders. The leader told us how cruel and manipulative to

A First Look at Aspergers: for Kids & Teens
by Sarah Freeman February 6, 2015 There are many different types of bodies and many different types of brains! People come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Part of growing up is learning what you need to do for your type of body. For example, if you were allergic