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Informative articles about diet and nutrition

FoodLooking Good

Cooking does not have to be a scary thought! Understandably, cooking is easier for some than others. It takes know-how, practice, and patience, but you can do it! Below are some helpful tips to make your cooking a pleasure:

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FoodLooking Good

In the morning you want a good cup of coffee, for many there is no other way to start the day. It also accompanies breaks at work or puts the final icing on meals. But coffee is much more than this, with each cup we drink during the day we are taking advantage of the many benefits of coffee.

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FoodLooking Good

As it has been witness, increase of weight or obesity is nothing but the cause of wrong eating, lack of exercises and a sedentary lifestyle. Following are a few amazing tips that one can adopt to lose weight as fast as possible.

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FoodLooking Good

Some people say they can recognize a ‘juicer’ at the greengrocer or at the local supermarket from the distance. How? Well, they are the ones who load large amounts of apples and carrots into their trolley. Additionally, they have that look of something like ‘I am so healthy’.

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FoodLooking Good

By Emma Candy Ville 1. UnReal Milk Chocolate Gems “I’m really impressed with these,” says Gorin. “The candy contains no artificial flavor or color, and the coloring comes from natural sources, like hibiscus and turmeric.” Because these contain a fair amount of sugar, though, you’ll want to stick with the mini

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FoodLooking Good

If you exercise early in the morning, it is best to get up early enough to eat before exercise. There is usually little time left to digest food before exercise. At least! Try eating or drinking something easily digestible 20-30 minutes before exercise. However, depending on the type of exercise, its duration, and intensity, a light meal with digestible carbohydrates can improve performance. Glycogen can be depleted after an overnight fast, so a pre-workout snack can help replenish liver glycogen stores.

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FoodLooking Good

Changing is always hard for most people. We have passed through the life stages from the child to the adult period. Just remember that when we grew from child to teenager we faced very different situation. Men often have problem with their boobs during their adolescence.

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FoodLooking Good

Growing up, you were probably constantly told that too much sugar is bad for your teeth, and it’s true; it can encourage bacteria in your mouth to secrete harmful acids that can eventually cause cavities and gum disease. But if sugary foods are a detriment to your oral health, what sort of foods will benefit it?

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FoodLooking Good

People have been fasting for thousands of years for religious and health reasons, some regard it as a weight loss tool. You’ve probably seen headlines about celebrities drinking exotic fruit juices to prepare for movie roles, and heard friends talking about their weekly fast days.

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FoodLooking Good

Everybody from around the world says breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It must consist of the important food groups to keep us healthy and ready for to take on the day. A couple of people in Quora have been sharing their country’s favorite and traditional breakfast meal.

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