Walt Alexander’s series of devotional essays

Andrew Jackson’s Inaugural Address
Andrew Jackson was a character. Thomas Jefferson was afraid of him. The Native Americans feared and hated him. The people of the United States loved him. No one could ignore him. Donald Trump reminds me of Andrew Jackson, a lot. Both of them got things done no matter who got

You Can’t Always Get What You Want…
…..but if you try sometimes you may find, you get what you need! —-Keith Richards and Mick Jagger. A few days ago, my son and I were at the local playground and he wanted me to play tag and other games with him. I played with him for a while

Wake-Up Little Gen-Xers!
I remember hearing several older people in my life bemoaning how my generation has had it “easy”. We had no great war to fight. We had no real challenging moments. My generation is known as Generation X for this reason–we have no great event to define us. We certainly were

The Great Divide
The Left loves to decry anyone of Christian faith who takes office. They scream that they are going to impose their views of right and wrong on others. They scream that those of Christian faith want to establish nothing less than a theocracy. There maybe something to that, there may

The Political Animal
One of my biggest ways I waste of time is watching SJW videos on YouTube. I keep asking myself, ‘How much dumber/more bizarre/crazier/weirder can they get?’ They seem to be taking it as a challenge. The Left keeps getting more and more and more radicalized and I find it just

The Storm is Upon Us
The following video is something that I want the entire world to see and hear. Jim Caviezel “The Storm is Upon Us” – The Sound of Freedom (Juan O Savin “Historic Speech by Jim”) – YouTube We are in a battle right now. We are truly in a war. We

Yes I am Evil
I recently saw an interesting posting on a group that I am a member of on Facebook. The person asked something to the extent of why he or she (I forget which) was evil because they doubted that Jesus was the Messiah. There were a lot of comments from a

Getting Fired
Getting fired sucks. It is demoralizing physically, emotionally and socially. It happens to the best people and the worst people. It happens when you are making your very best effort and when you absolutely could care less. I remember one job I had: I was in three weeks of training.

The Sopranos (and Purgatory)
Prior to the Many Saints of Newark being released in theatres, HBO showed all of the episodes of the Sopranos from the beginning. It certainly was a gift to me as I loved watching it back in the early to late 2000s. Watching the episodes was a treat to me

The God of Spider-Man
Please Note: Spider-Man and other Marvel characters mentioned are property of Marvel Comics Group/Disney. No copyright infringement is intended. We will return to our series: Those Who Stood Up and Signed, next week! Do you know that the Lord has His own character in the Marvel Comics Universe? It is