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Walt Alexander’s series of devotional essays


נרשם כי נאבקתי בך ואני ניצחתי It is recorded that I wrestled with the you and I prevailed You changed my name I limped away I won הצטרפתי מחדש למשפחות שלי, לצאן שלי, לכל מה שבירכתם אותי בו ועזבנו I rejoined my families, my flocks, everything that you have blessed

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Joey is the name of a haunting beautiful and sad song from the band, Concrete Blondes that came out in 1990. According to Wikipedia (take it as you will) the lead singer wrote it about a man she knew who was a drug addict. The song is supportive of the

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I have been watching a lot of old movies lately. I have been exploring movies from the 1960s through the 1980s. I am particularly interested in those films that you cannot find on Netflix or any online source, anymore. Now this is true of some of the Hellraiser films. Some

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Monday, March 4, 1837 Fellow-Citizens: The practice of all my predecessors imposes on me an obligation I cheerfully fulfill – to accompany the first and solemn act of my public trust with an avowal of the principles that will guide me in performing it and an expression of my feelings

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Thank you for being with us this past year. We are happy to announce that our Man of the Year is Chris Meyers. We thank Joe Wallace and Jim Stramaglia for allowing us to interview them and for sharing their experiences and commitments to living their Judeo-Christian values with the

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by James Rondinone December 3, 2022 PART 1 TESTIMONY – Exchanging our formal sexual identity for our new identity in Christ Why do we come to Jesus?  Introduction I am writing this study to help fellow believers who are having difficulty walking with God, especially in addressing their sexual inclinations or

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Eva Mozes Kor put out a documentary in 2006 entitled, Forgiving Dr. Mengele. Mrs. Kor and her twin were survivors of the Nazi death camp in Auschwitz, Germany. There, thousands of Jewish twins were experimented on by the infamous Dr. Josef Mengele. He was known as the Angel of Death.

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We’re going to begin by looking at Scriptures that are from the book of Acts, the Epistles, and the book of Revelation that will assist us in unveiling the qualifications, duties, and what the teaching content of the messages of a pastor-teacher should be comprised of. You might ask, why aren’t you not using the Old Testament and the four Gospels Scriptures? This is simply because the revelation about the specifics of the leadership of the New Testament church wasn’t unveiled in any of those books.

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Have you or are you in a place in your life where you’re ready to leave or have already left the church you’re attending and are looking for a new one? This has happened to me on a number of occasions. In my younger years, following my conversion to Christ, I was involved with a particular ministry for about seven years. Due to doctrinal differences, indiscretions by those in leadership, and the subsequent need to find employment outside of the church, I left this ministry in tears.

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I have been thinking a lot lately about people in the entertainment industry or in the media who have gotten cancelled. There was Amanda Bynes, Kevin Sorbo, Mel Gibson, Roseanne Barr, Anthony Sabato Jr, Gina Carano, and many others who have gotten cancelled lately. As I am writing this, there

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