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Business Headlines

Curated news from Bloomberg Business

Business Headlines

published Nov 1st 2016, 6:25 pm, by Dana Hull and Christopher Martin (Bloomberg) —Tesla Motors Inc. Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk took his skeptics to task on Tuesday, giving more detail on potential benefits of the automaker’s pending SolarCity Corp. acquisition and saying the deal’s doubters have a history of

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Business Headlines

published Nov 1st 2016, 10:37 am, by Rebecca Spalding (Bloomberg) —Few institutions have a better track record calling presidential races than the U.S. stock market. At the moment, it’s sending information that counts against Democrat Hillary Clinton. The performance of the S&P 500 Index has signaled the outcome of every

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Business Headlines

published Oct 28th 2016, 6:00 am, by Noah Smith (Bloomberg View) —Back in 2012, Daron Acemoglu — an economist I follow and greatly respect — wrote a paper along with James Robinson and Thierry Verdier claiming to explain why Scandinavian countries are (supposedly) less innovative than the U.S. Acemoglu et

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Business Headlines

published Oct 31st 2016, 7:01 am, by Narae Kim and Tracy Alloway (Bloomberg) — If you thought economist humor didn’t extend beyond the joke about the $20 bill on the ground, you’re wrong. This Halloween, a bevy of PhDs and financial experts took to Twitter to display economics-related Jack O’

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Business Headlines

published Oct 31st 2016, 3:59 pm, by Jennifer Epstein, Kevin Cirilli and Chris Strohm (Bloomberg) — As Hillary Clinton’s allies went on the attack against FBI Director James Comey, the White House pushed back against accusations from some Democrats that the agency chief is purposely interfering with the presidential election.

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Business Headlines

published Oct 28th 2016, 5:00 am, by Ben Steverman (Bloomberg) —Death awaits all of us, but how patiently? To unlock the mystery of when we’re going to die, start with an actuary. Specializing in the study of risk and uncertainty, members of this 200-year-old profession pore over the data of

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Business Headlines

published Oct 26th 2016, 8:06 am, by Matt Levine (Bloomberg View) — Deutsche Bank. Deutsche Bank AG might need to raise capital. One thing that makes it hard for banks to raise capital is that banks know what is in them and no one else does. There is a market

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Business Headlines

published Oct 30th 2016, 12:50 pm, by Ben Brody (Bloomberg) —Polls taken since FBI Director James Comey said the bureau had discovered a fresh trove of e-mails that may pertain to its investigation of Hillary Clinton suggest that the Democratic presidential nominee is losing some support in a race that

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Business Headlines

published Oct 13th 2016, 5:00 am, by Eli Lake (Bloomberg View) — Russia’s ambassador to Washington is disappointed. Despite great potential for cooperation, Sergei Kislyak told an audience Tuesday at Johns Hopkins University that the two countries are locked in “unfriendly discussions.” Wouldn’t the world be safer and more stable

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Business Headlines

published Oct 27th 2016, 5:07 pm, by Shira Ovide (Bloomberg Gadfly) — Just when everyone thought Inc. was steering into a lush forest of profits, it veered back to its desert of barren earnings. It has been smart to let Amazon drive wherever it wants to go, so investors

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