Walt Alexander
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Walt Alexander

Walt Alexander is the editor-in-chief of Men of Value. Learn more about his vision for the online magazine for American men with the American values—faith, family & freedom—in his Welcome from the Editor.

Women and Family

When George Bush announced the “Bush Doctrine” as a policy of preemptive attacks on terrorists and states that harbor them, citizens lined up both for and against his argument. When it comes to parenting and the dangers facing teens during adolescence, some parents have begun implementing their own version of the “Bush Doctrine” as critics try to make their voices heard as well.

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Business Headlines

Negotiating is a skill that like warfare tactics must be honed. It is important to be mentally prepared to win. Do the ground work well before your reach the negotiating table and decide on the “path” you are going to take.

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Business Headlines

Selecting the right metrics and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) in the customer journey funnel is really important for the success of any business, especially if you are selling your brand’s offerings through an online store.
This is because it is only if you can find the right KPIs and track them using an easy to use CRM tool, you can measure how well your funnel is working, and thereafter rethink about how you can make necessary adjustments to optimize your conversions.

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Business Headlines

Many crises have a common phenomenon – overheated asset. When a certain value causes a stir in demand, it is sold much more expensive than its real value. When the price approaches a figure that is unacceptable to potential buyers, the market hits the price. There are fewer people who want to buy an asset, sellers lower the bar, but it does not help. Panic sale replaces the hype demand. This continues until the price bounces off the bottom and goes up, but is no longer at this rate.

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Sometimes, I think back to high school and my experiences talking about God. Of course, no one is allowed to talk about God in public school, are they? Well as we all know, what is allowed and what happens are often two different things. I remember one experience in particular

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I remember several years ago when I volunteered for an organization called BeHIV at Chicago’s Market Days. BeHIV was an organization which supported those with HIV with testing and services. Market Days is another Gay Pride event. I remember seeing a guy parade around shirtless carrying a sign during the

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Women and Family

Walt Disney said: “The way to get started is to quick talking and begin doing.” One important way a college student can begin doing is to set aside time for goal setting. I recently heard from a student that was in one of my communication classes. I was excited to hear that this student, who was goal oriented and determined achieved his education dream. He completed his associate’s degree and was planning to complete a bachelor;’s and graduate degrees. The success in today’s college students can be seen by looking at more than dreams and aspirations, but the goals that they set for themselves. The failure to persist in college is partially due to a lack of goal-setting habits.

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As you finally head down to the dance studio to take your first dance lesson, it will be your first step to starting a new and exciting journey! This experience on its own can be very rewarding or very disappointing depending on your approach. Here are a few tips on learning how to dance with your partner.

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FitnessLooking Good

Timing is everything when it comes to supplements. You can scan for supplements until you’re blue in your face, but you only flush down your drain if you don’t know how and when to take these supplements right now. Proper nutrition is a key factor in enhancing muscle gains and performance.

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Business Headlines

by Molly Bishop November 26, 2020 We live in a world where we are dependent on each other for our various needs. While we may say that this world runs in harmony, disputes and disagreements are a common occurrence within human relationships. To resolve these disputes, we use different methods

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