Women and Family

Reasons Why Friday Night Board Games Are A Must!

by Jack Fernandez Disouza  August 24, 2022

Because of the lack of modern forms of entertainment like social media and gaming applications, people of my generation didn’t just play board games. We played board games since it was a good time for everyone in the house, no matter their age or special interests.

In this post, we’ll examine 8 advantages of playing board games with the people you care about and how this pastime may support a contented and healthy existence. Your board games shouldn’t be hidden away, waiting to be dusted off and played during a protracted power outage. Let’s look at some of the causes for this:

  1. Decreasing screen time: While it’s true that some television programmes and apps can be educational and constructive for kids to watch, experts from a variety of disciplines strongly advise parents to limit their kids’ screen time. On the other hand, studies have shown that limiting and monitoring children’s screen usage has positive effects on their social, academic, mental, and physical health. There are more opportunities for your family to interact and communicate face-to-face when you place restrictions on the amount of time your kids spend using technological devices.
  2. Establishes links with family and friends: All ages of families and friends can play board games together to bond, plan, compete, and have fun. Contrary to what you might have expected, playing board games has a stronger social component. Because this game necessitates that participants interact with one another through collaboration, cooperation is at the very core of this activity. The best approach to spend time with the enjoyable company and develop relationships with others is to play board games. The kind of engaging and encouraging environment that is necessary to foster closer relationships with others and strengthen family ties is provided by playing board games.
  3. Makes for wonderful memories: Too frequently, when we are physical with others, we are not focused on each other but rather on our smartphone, tablet, or television. Are you going to recall that social media post you just read in 20 years? Or that Candy Crush level you finally completed? Most likely not. However, you won’t forget the smile on your face or the feeling of optimism you had when someone made a cunning response or spun that lucky number.
  4. Offers children with useful teaching resources: Although not all board games are made alike, there are plenty that may teach your children valuable things. Playing board games with your kids also gives them a chance to exercise cognitive abilities that will be important for their future success in life. In children’s developing brains, playing board games rather than other games strengthens the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex, improving cognitive abilities like problem-solving, logic, reason, memory, planning, attention, and IQ.
  5. Lessens Stress: Playing board games with friends is a great way to relax and take your mind off stressful situations in your life. A good way to relieve stress and give yourself the break you require is to concentrate on losing yourself in the world of a board game rather than your job, finances, or other problems. One method of relaxing that many people find to be successful is taking some time off to reset your thoughts with a constructive distraction. Playing board games, on the other hand, promotes the release of endorphins, your body’s “feel-good” hormone, which can enhance both your conscious and unconscious feelings, leaving you with a pleasant, kind, and ultimately contented sensation.
  6. Enhances cognitive performance: Some board games demand a lot of concentration and expertise. Whether you have to learn something, follow a pattern, or perform quick calculations in your head while playing, you are probably improving your mental agility without even realising it. Researchers discovered that people who played more games in later life had superior cognitive function than people who didn’t play games in terms of memory, thinking quickly, problem-solving, and general cognitive aptitude. This study provides proof that cognitive deterioration is not always unavoidable. The association between playing board games and having better thinking and memory skills advances our understanding of preventative measures for cognitive health.
  7. Facilitates socialisation: While some people have the natural ability to fit into any social scenario, others find it difficult to interact with people-even if they’ve known them for a long time. However, a board game offers a social environment when you’re playing it. Any top-notch board game can eliminate the negative tension of a social setting while preserving the positive stress of friendly rivalry. Board games accomplish this by providing social settings with the individuals of your choice and by establishing a systematic set of rules and protocol for the social interaction, which eliminates the need for improvisation that is present in other similar scenarios.
  8. Builds confidence: Board games could be able to increase your confidence more than you think if you need it. Playing board games can not only help you socialise more easily, but it will also boost your confidence. When playing a board game, every choice you make strengthens your confidence in your judgement. Additionally, as you create a successful strategy, you’ll begin to believe in your ability and intelligence to come up with a workable plan.

The fact that there are no rules or obligations attached to playing board games is one of its best features. You can play board games whenever you want and pretty much anywhere. You always have a chance to play something that interests you and interact with like-minded people thanks to the Hasbro gaming range of board games that are accessible.

The Author

Walt Alexander

Walt Alexander

Walt Alexander is the editor-in-chief of Men of Value. Learn more about his vision for the online magazine for American men with the American values—faith, family & freedom—in his Welcome from the Editor.

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