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3 Steps To Staying Healthy At Work

Staying healthy at work is a critical factor in your overall well being. Learn the 3 steps to maintain and improve your overall health while you work. There’s been a lot of buzz around what’s been going on in the working world on the negative health benefits of sitting. We all know that smoking is dangerous and bad for you, but did we ever stop and consider what could be happening to us because we’re sitting so much? Here’s 3 steps to maintain a healthy lifestyle while working at a desk.

Before work
Stand at work
Move at work

Before Work

There’s a lot of things one can do before work in order to maintain and improve health. The biggest thing you can do is ride your bike to work. If your work is within a reasonable distance and you think you can get there without looking like you just went through the sprinklers than this is the best option. Otherwise, you should try and walk or ride at least part of the way. Anything you can do will help stimulate your body and promote good health.

Even before leaving for work there are a number of things you can do. Studies show that having a good morning routine is an essential element to healthy lifestyle. This could include reading, yoga, meditating, and stretching. These things will jump start your mind and body giving you a head start on your day.

Stand at Work

The new trend these days is the <a href=””>Standing Desk</a>. Seems like everyone has got to have one. Standing desks are great because they force you to engage your muscles in keeping you upright and alert. One of the biggest benefits is the amount of focus that standing makes you maintain. Of course, there’s a number of other things to consider when going this route like making sure you have a mat to stand on and your computer is set to be at eye level. But this is one of the best ways to stay healthy at work.

Another simple way to stand while at work is to stand up to take your phone calls. If you have a standing desk, you are most likely already going to be standing, but if not, get up and walk around while you chat on the phone. This increases circulation and blood flow to the brain. And remember <a href=””>sitting may be lethal.</a>

Move at Work

Everyone loves a good office competition. One way of achieving your goal of healthy workplace is to start a work fitness challenge. If everyone is doing squats and push ups while they wait for the toaster then it won’t be weird! Create a fun competition that will work in your office. But hey, even if no one else is doing it, they won’t think you’re too weird for doing jumping jacks.

The last thing you can do is learn different desk stretches. Even while sitting down there are things you can do to stay limber and alert. Do some research on fun desk stretches that will work for your situations. The goal is just be mindful about your health.

By: Hazel Habersham

Hazel Habersham is a health and wellness blogger at Hazel Health Nut.


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The Author

Walt Alexander

Walt Alexander

Walt Alexander is the editor-in-chief of Men of Value. Learn more about his vision for the online magazine for American men with the American values—faith, family & freedom—in his Welcome from the Editor.

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