
Take It To the Limit

Today, with the Coronovirus, we are all under a lot of stress. We are all looking for answers and expect those in authority to have answers they just don’t have now and they may never have. A lot of people are looking at me for answers that I do not have and I am not even a medical professional! They say to me essentially, ‘You are a person of faith, I am scared, help me!’ I tell them to look for answers in Bible or to talk to their priest or minister, but that is not good enough for them. They expect me to have the long-suffering of Mother Theresa and the knowledge of Neil DeGrasse Tyson regarding their needs during this pandemic.

I also feel overwhelmed by what is on the news. There is a unrelenting barrage of information from the internet and on TV and from those people who want to make posts on Facebook and Twitter several times an hour regarding the latest info. This information is not helping me either. Personally, I just keep in mind social distancing and wash the hands often and I do pay attention to the headlines.

I prayed about it and the word that I got was that I need to love them and myself. However, loving them does not mean I can replace the Lord in their lives or even be some human that has a higher ability to deal with their emotional needs that I do!

One of the best ways of dealing with those people who are trying to use you is to use “I” statements. For example, someone comes to you and says, “the virus is spreading and it won’t stop!” You reply, “I heard that news too, I find that very distressing.” They say, “The economy is going to tank and it will be the end of the world!” You say, “I don’t think that will happen.”Own your own thoughts and feelings and keep it self-centered. Being self-centered in that respect is not bad because they are simply trying to pull you down into their own pit of despair. You need to know and own your own thoughts and feelings.

Regarding dealing with the avalanche of information, one way is to simply exercise self-control and limit the amount of time you allow yourself to view it. Promise yourself only 10-15 minutes at a time or in the morning or evening and stick to it.

Now, I am NOT a psychologist and I am not giving you psychological advice. These are basic human social interaction skills for setting limits. This is all going to take us to and test our limits and Lord willing, maybe even expand a little our limits before it is through.

Revelations 14:12 Here is a call for the endurance of the saints, those who keep the commandments of God and their faith in Jesus.


The Author

Walt Alexander

Walt Alexander

Walt Alexander is the editor-in-chief of Men of Value. Learn more about his vision for the online magazine for American men with the American values—faith, family & freedom—in his Welcome from the Editor.

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