
Devotional 9/5: I Would Do Anything for Love, But I Won’t Do That!

Meatloaf crooned in 1993 with Lorraine Crosby that he would do anything for love, but he would not do THAT. According to the song, he said he would not leave, be screwing around, forget the way he feels tonight, dream about his woman every night, and not do other things according to the song. All those things are good things.

He does not put a limit on his love. For example, he does not say that he would do anything for love but he won’t change a diaper. He does not say that he will anything for love but he will not take out the garbage or he would do anything for love but his blood family and career have to come first.

We need to address the former, not the latter. That is definitely an ideal that we need to strive for in our marriages. It is definitely a worthy aspiration. It is definitely the way that the Lord loves us. He does not say to us, “Hey I love you but its Sunday and I am resting” or “Hey, I love you but I cannot stop this disease” (though He may say He won’t) or “Hey I would do anything for love, but you need to handle this alone”.

Sometimes it may feel that that is what He is saying. But whether we feel it or not, we need to ask for the Lord’s help/presence/assistance in all our lives. That does not mean its going to be easy. Remember, if a life free of suffering was an indication of God’s love then the Israelites, Joseph, Jeremiah, Jesus, Paul, Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa and others must have all been hated by God.

Nonetheless, there ARE times when the Lord will NOT assist us, that is when we are outside of His will. He will not assist you in hating others. He will not assist in you putting the worries and pressures of this world, above Him. More often than not, doing things like that seem pretty easy. He would do anything for love, but He will not do that!

Trusting in the Lord, means something in the way we live our lives and what we do and say. Now, as I have always stated, I am not perfect. I have my problems and areas of struggle. Also, I am not telling YOU how YOU should interpret that.

However, when confronted by the world and the complicated choices that are out there, I salute Jack Philips and Kim Davis and Baronelle Stutzman and Sweetcakes By Melissa and others who did what the Lord called THEM to do. Yes, they loved the people who came to them for service. However, they said they would do anything to love their fellow man, with a clear conscience said that but they could not do THAT.

Meatloaf’s 1993 album was entitled, Back into Hell. Everyday you can see stories in the mainstream media of people of faith being persecuted, going to jail, being fined, having to have to appeal to the Supreme Court that are here in America. They are going through this for making decisions that put their faith first.

And if you never hear me make any other statement, The Lord and His Word Comes First, in politics, in your business, in your life, in dating/marriage, in your sexuality, in EVERYTHING.

This nation was great because the Lord blessed her for making those decisions that put the Lord first, balanced with the idea we were free to worship the way we wanted. Without the freedom to make those decisions, that we is where we are headed back into Hell.

John 3:16 – For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.


The Author

Walt Alexander

Walt Alexander

Walt Alexander is the editor-in-chief of Men of Value. Learn more about his vision for the online magazine for American men with the American values—faith, family & freedom—in his Welcome from the Editor.

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