
This 3D-printed gun is semiautomatic, untraceable, and totally legal : A Well Thought Out Scream by James Riordan
So, what could possibly make the gun situation in America any worse? Charlton Heston gets reincarnated? A national police strike? A hit new reality show called How To Get A Gun for Fun, Profit and Death? Or how about this — a machine that will allow anyone to print their

Google Is Competing With Itself With New Music Service
©2015 Bloomberg News NQF1HI6JTSE9 (Bloomberg Business) — Many people in the music industry have been waiting with baited breath to hear something about YouTube’s plans for a paid music subscription service, and when news circulated that the company was planning an announcement for Tuesday it seemed like they’d get it. Nope. Instead, Google announced that it would

Bloomberg Business: Google’s YouTube Kids Accused by Consumer Groups of Ad Deception
©2015 Bloomberg News NMEJ466TTDSR (Bloomberg) — Google Inc.’s YouTube Kids app violates safeguards for children by deceptively blending advertising and programming, according to consumer groups that are asking U.S. regulators to investigate the company. The video service’s branded channels for Barbie, Lego, McDonald’s and other products show mostly advertising, and user-