Ted Cruz

Presidential Candidates Continue to Take Shots at the Supreme Court
©2015 Bloomberg News NOXJJP6KLVR6 (Bloomberg Politics) — Of late, the U.S. Supreme Court has become a regular target for the current crop of presidential candidates, but for two decidedly different issues. For Republicans still burned by the court’s 2012 ruling that let stand insurance mandates and penalties under the Affordable Care

Bloomberg Business: The 2016 Presidential Hopefuls Literary Guide
Copyright 2015 Bloomberg. NKJ8056KLVR5 (Bloomberg Politics) — Judging from the plethora of titles now crowding bookstore shelves, it would appear that publishing a memoir has become something of a requirement for politicians hoping to become president. The urge to make the leap from politician to author makes sense on a number of levels. Releasing

Bloomberg Business: A Look at Dire Obamacare Predictions That Haven’t Panned Out Yet
Copyright 2015 Bloomberg. NK1T296S972B (Bloomberg Politics) — Since its inception, critics of the Affordable Care Act—or Obamacare, as it is popularly known—have warned that the legislation will prove disastrous for the nation. From dire predictions of job losses in the millions, exploding premiums, a steep jump in the number of