Ted Cruz

Matt Levine’s Money Stuff: Yieldcos, Spoofers and Blockchains
©2015 Bloomberg View NZTC906S972D (Bloomberg View) — SunEdison. If you haven’t been following the SunEdison story, let me commend it to you, because it is bonkers. The basic setup is that you’ve got SunEdison, a public company that develops renewable power projects, and you’ve got its two yieldcos, TerraForm Power and TerraForm Global.

Ted Cruz’s Presidential Odds Are Snowballing: Jonathan Bernstein
©2015 Bloomberg View NZ76936S972C (Bloomberg View) — The Ted Cruz boomlet is thriving. Numerous pundits are weighing nomination fights that come down to Cruz and Marco Rubio, or to Cruz, Rubio and Donald Trump. And Cruz has moved up to second place, behind Rubio, in PreditIt’s prediction market. Cruz is

*Trump Wants ‘Total and Complete Shutdown’ of Muslims Entering U.S.
©2015 Bloomberg News NZ0I896KLVR5 (Bloomberg) — Donald Trump is calling for “a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States,” his campaign said on Monday, until “our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on.” “Without looking at the various polling data, it is obvious to anybody the

Republicans Accuse Obama of Going Soft on Islamic Stat
©2015 Bloomberg News NY5ECK6S972A (Bloomberg) — Seated at a table designed to look like Thanksgiving and reminiscent of the Last Supper, seven Republican presidential candidates gathered Friday for an Iowa forum where there were more fireworks from the audience than from a stage that lacked front-runner Donald Trump. After quelling several outbursts

Ted Cruz Tells Iowans Why They Should Pick Him Over Donald Trum
©2015 Bloomberg News NYM03N6KLVRAp (Bloomberg) — Ted Cruz moved to seize his Iowa moment on a cold Sunday evening at a gas station convenience store in a town of under 1,000 people. The Depot Express in Van Horne was packed to capacity with nearly a hundred voters in the state

Ted Cruz Excoriates Marco Rubio on Foreign Policy and Links Him to Hillary Clinton
©2015 Bloomberg News NYNMAO6JTSEB (Bloomberg) — Ted Cruz on Monday offered his strongest denunciation so far of Marco Rubio’s foreign policy views, assailing his Republican presidential rival as a proponent of “military adventurism” that he said has benefited Islamic militant groups. He even tied the Floridian to Democratic front- runner

Bromance on the Rocks: Surging Ted Cruz Begins to Poke Donald Trump
©2015 Bloomberg News NYC27H6S972X (Bloomberg) — Ted Cruz’s moment has arrived. Less than 10 weeks before Iowa voters their cast the first votes of the presidential campaign season in Feb. 1 caucuses, a new Quinnipiac poll shows the Texas senator statistically tiedwith Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump for the lead in

Underestimating Ted Cruz? That’s a Mistake: Albert R. Hunt
©2015 Bloomberg View NTAP7L6S972M (Bloomberg View) — Ted Cruz is a man with a plan. The Republican presidential candidate, bete noire of his party’s establishment, has carefully calculated a path to becoming the right-wing standard-bearer. That makes him the most underestimated candidate in the field. Cruz is rising in some

The 2016 Presidential Hopefuls Literary Guide Part 1
Copyright 2015 Bloomberg. NKJ8056KLVR5 (Bloomberg Politics) — Judging from the plethora of titles now crowding bookstore shelves, it would appear that publishing a memoir has become something of a requirement for politicians hoping to become president. The urge to make the leap from politician to author makes sense on a number of levels. Releasing

How the Presidential Field Responded to Obama’s Cuba Announcement
©2015 Bloomberg News NQUUGI6KLVR5 (Bloomberg Politics) — Two Republican presidential candidates with family ties to Cuba are vowing to block the appointment of a the first U.S. ambassador to the Communist island nation in more than 50 years. With their vows to place a parliamentary hold on any nominees for