Ted Cruz

Four Republican Candidates and Their Four Big Myths: Paula Dwyer
©2016 Bloomberg View O3TUY46KLVRD (Bloomberg View) — In Donald Trump’s telling, Mexico, Japan and especially China are fleecing the U.S. because past presidents were inept negotiators and too timid to muscle America’s trading partners. But even if a President Trump could stop companies from offshoring or countries from manipulating currencies

Former Jeb Bush Supporter Boyden Gray Now Backing Ted Cruz
©2016 Bloomberg News O3SPN06JTSEG (Bloomberg) — Washington super-lawyer C. Boyden Gray, a longtime confidant of the Bush family who originally supported former Florida Governor Jeb Bush’s campaign, says he’s now supporting Ted Cruz because the Texas senator’s policies closely align with his legal views. The GOP establishment fixture believes a

Trump Wins Five Super Tuesday States as Ted Cruz Takes Texas
©2016 Bloomberg News O3E33W6TTDSR (Bloomberg) — Republican Donald Trump will take at least five states as he heads toward a commanding Super Tuesday showing that will give him a firmer grip on the party’s presidential nomination that will become increasingly difficult for his rivals to break. Texas Senator Ted Cruz

Chris Christie Comes Out Swinging in New Hampshire Endgame
©2016 Bloomberg News O2785T6KLVR4 (Bloomberg) — A day after making headlines in the final Republican debate before the New Hampshire primary with blistering attacks on Marco Rubio, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie kept up the offensive as he strives for a strong finish in a state he made a critical

Ted Cruz is Fighting a Style War With Donald Trump
©2016 Bloomberg News O1MO9G6JTSEA (Bloomberg) — Roughly 45 minutes before Donald Trump’s campaign would announce on Tuesday that he was skipping Thursday night’s Fox News debate, as always giddily tipping the Republican race into chaos in a yet another pique of strategic petulance (or is it petulant strategy?), Ted Cruz was

Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio Are Trying Too Hard: Leonid Bershidsky
©2016 Bloomberg View O1KZS66JTSEC (Bloomberg View) — Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, the two candidates who are putting up the biggest fight against Donald Trump’s surprise surge in Iowa, aren’t supposed to have much in common. One is a hard-line right-wing maverick with a gift for alienating people; the other

‘He’s a Nasty Guy’: Trump Goes Off No Holds Barred on Cruz
©2016 Bloomberg News O14CGS6JIJUO (Bloomberg) — A rolling brawl between the two U.S. Republican presidential front-runners didn’t abate on Sunday as Donald Trump termed his closest competitor, Ted Cruz, “nasty” and the Texas senator stood his ground in criticizing the billionaire’s “New York values.” “He’s a nasty guy,” Trump said on

Cruz’s ‘Natural-Born Citizen’ Status Tested in Birther Suit
©2016 Bloomberg News O0Z1M66K50Y1 (Bloomberg) — Republican presidential contender Ted Cruz should be disqualified from the race because he isn’t a “natural-born citizen,” a fellow Texan claims in a “birther” challenge filed against the senator in a U.S. court. The suit seeks a court definition of the term to clarify

Poverty Forum Pulls Republican Rivals Into ‘Most Compassionate’ Contest
©2016 Bloomberg News O0P7HT6S9728 (Bloomberg) — U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan and several Republican presidential hopefuls appeared at an anti-poverty forum in South Carolina on Saturday, hoping to counter the notion that only Democrats care about non-whites, single mothers, the unemployed, and the working poor. The Kemp Forum on Expanding Opportunity

Will Anti-Cruz Movement Rally Behind Rubio?: Jonathan Bernstein
©2016 Bloomberg View O086W36JTSEA (Bloomberg View) — National Review’s Tim Alberta and Eliana Johnson report a potentially important development: The emergence of an Anybody-But-Cruz-(Except-Trump) movement from the soon-to-be ashes of the Iowa campaigns of Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum. It would seem that some social conservatives, including a few currently supporting