
Trump May Have Wrong Asian Currency in His Crosshairs
published Dec 12th 2016, 4:00 pm, by Rich Miller (Bloomberg) —President-elect Donald Trump has accused China of ripping off the U.S. on trade and threatened to brand the country a currency manipulator soon after taking office. Yet economists say his new best bud and China nemesis, Taiwan, is much better

With Long Handshake, China and Taiwan Affirm Better Ties
©2015 Bloomberg News NXHJFO6K50XS (Bloomberg) — It was the 80 seconds China and Taiwan had waited almost 70 years for. Chinese President Xi Jinping and his Taiwanese counterpart, Ma Ying-jeou, smiled in dark suits –Xi wearing a Communist red tie, Ma, a Nationalist blue one — as they shook hands

Bloomberg Business: Taiwan’s Delta Looks to Robots, Electric Cars to Stem PC Slump
©2015 Bloomberg News NLRQZF6S972C (Bloomberg) — Computer makers including Apple Inc. and Dell Inc. have turned to Delta Electronics Inc. to power their PCs for the past decade. Now, the supplier is moving into electric vehicles and factory robots. “It’s a natural evolution,” Yancey Hai, chairman of the Taipei-based company, said