social security

U.S. Declines to No. 17 in Global Retirement Security Ranking
published Jul 18th 2017, 11:01 pm, by Suzanne Woolley (Bloomberg) —Retirement security in the U.S. took a significant hit in a global ranking, falling three notches to No. 17 among 43 developed countries. The fifth annual Global Retirement Index ranking from Natixis Global Asset Management has Norway, Switzerland, and Iceland holding

Trump’s Chance to Tell Us What He Really Wants: Albert R. Hunt
published Feb 26th 2017, 9:00 am, by Albert R. Hunt (Bloomberg View) — President Donald Trump’s initial address to a joint session of Congress Tuesday night may be the most anticipated in memory. Not, as Trump would claim, because he’s so compelling. Rather it’s because, when it comes to substance,

Trump Meets King’s Son With Goal of Fixing ‘Broken Voting’
published Jan 16th 2017, 2:53 pm, by Shannon Pettypiece and Kathleen Miller (Bloomberg) —Donald Trump met Monday with Martin Luther King III, who said he used his time with the president-elect to discuss strategies to fix the U.S.’s “broken voting system.” The oldest son of the civil rights leader trekked

Get Ready to Pay $500 More in Taxes
published Jan 9th 2017, 3:00 am, by Ben Steverman (Bloomberg) — It’s tax time again, and President-elect Donald Trump and his fellow Republicans in Congress have promised to slash them—especially for corporations and the rich. For millions of Americans, however, a tax increase will be the first thing they see.

High Earners Are Going to Hate These Retirement Proposals
published Jun 9th 2016, 12:32 pm, by Suzanne Woolley (Bloomberg) — For the past two years, a commission made up of 19 high-profile people from the academic, political, business, and investment worlds has been busy devising a bipartisan plan to strengthen the retirement security and personal savings of Americans. The

Happy 80th Birthday, Social Security. Your Gift? My Plan Not to Need You (So Much)
©2015 Bloomberg News NT1S1H6KLVR4 (Bloomberg Business) — It’s Social Security’s 80th birthday, and while news about the program’s financial status is rarely happy, most Americans are very thankful it still exists. Women and lower-earning workers in general rely particularly heavily on the program for income in their old age. But

*Mike Huckabee and the GOP’s Small ‘Save Social Security’ Caucus
©2015 Bloomberg News NNWCFZ6JTSEI (Bloomberg Politics) — In the middle of Mike Huckabee’s presidential announcement, his populism took him to a land many Republican candidates fear to tread.”There are some who propose that to save the safety nets like Medicare and Social Security, we ought to chop off the payments