Rick Perry

Perry Says Trump Should Renegotiate, Not Exit, Paris Accord
published Apr 25th 2017, 3:34 pm, by Joe Ryan (Bloomberg) —Energy Secretary Rick Perry became the latest senior member of President Donald Trump’s administration to publicly advocate for staying in the Paris climate accord, saying the U.S. should renegotiate the deal and push European nations to take on a larger

Texas Prosecutor Hides Evidence Resulting in an Innocent Man being Executed : A Well Thought Out Scream by James Riordan
America has the finest legal system in the world. But it’s far from perfect. One of the problems is concept that if you pit people trained in the law at opposite ends of an issue, the truth will emerge. The first duty of a District Attorney is to discover

The 2016 Presidential Hopefuls Literary Guide Part 2
Scott Walker The Wisconsin governor is building his campaign around what many conservatives see as his signature accomplishment: taking on unions. In his 2014 memoir, Unintimidated: A Governor’s Story and A Nation’s Challenge, Walker recounts his successful battle to strip organized labor of collective bargaining rights. It was this victory that catapulted

The 2016 Presidential Hopefuls Literary Guide Part 1
Copyright 2015 Bloomberg. NKJ8056KLVR5 (Bloomberg Politics) — Judging from the plethora of titles now crowding bookstore shelves, it would appear that publishing a memoir has become something of a requirement for politicians hoping to become president. The urge to make the leap from politician to author makes sense on a number of levels. Releasing

Rick Perry on Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell: ‘The Horse Is Out of the Barn’
©2015 Bloomberg News NR0XI46JTSEA (Bloomberg Politics) — Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry said the U.S. is past the point of no return on Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, a policy ended in 2011 that had prohibited gay people from serving openly in the military. Appearing on ABC’s This Week on Sunday, host George Stephanopoulos

GE Wooed by Texas After Home State Connecticut Increases Taxes
©2015 Bloomberg News NPR76T6JTSEA (Bloomberg) — Texas Governor Greg Abbott knows a good opportunity when he sees it. Abbott, a Republican, penned notes to executives at Connecticut-based General Electric Co., Aetna Inc. and Travelers Cos Inc. imploring them to pack up and move after lawmakers there raised taxes by more

Bloomberg Business: The 2016 Presidential Hopefuls Literary Guide
Copyright 2015 Bloomberg. NKJ8056KLVR5 (Bloomberg Politics) — Judging from the plethora of titles now crowding bookstore shelves, it would appear that publishing a memoir has become something of a requirement for politicians hoping to become president. The urge to make the leap from politician to author makes sense on a number of levels. Releasing

Bloomberg Business: Can Rick Perry Jump Start His White House Hopes in Iowa?
Copyright 2015 Bloomberg. NJU8K16KLVR4 (Bloomberg Politics) — For former Texas Governor Rick Perry, hope springs eternal. Perry will return to Iowa on Monday, a state he hopes will help resurrect his prospects for becoming the Republican presidential nominee. Recent Iowa polls show Perry trailing his GOP rivals by double digits,