Oil Heads for Worst Week Since March as OPEC Seen Fueling Glut
©2015 Bloomberg News NZ6AHO6JTSEB (Bloomberg) — Oil headed for the biggest weekly decline since March amid speculation OPEC’s decision to effectively scrap production targets will keep the market oversupplied. Futures fell as much as 0.9 percent in New York and have dropped 8.8 percent this week. Prices are down for

Emerging-Market Stocks Drop on Crude Slump, China Growth Concern
©2015 Bloomberg News NZ27F36JIJUX (Bloomberg) — Emerging-market stocks fell for a fifth day, led by raw-material and energy producers, as crude prices plunged to the lowest since 2009 and Chinese trade data underscored concern that global growth is slowing. The Bloomberg Gulf Cooperation Council 200 Index tracking companies in the

Oil Slides as Venezuela Sees Mid-$20 Crude If OPEC Doesn’t Act
©2015 Bloomberg News NY8T776JTSEK (Bloomberg) — Oil extended its decline as Venezuela predicted prices may drop as low as the mid-$20s a barrel unless the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries takes action to stabilize the market. January futures fell as much as 1.1 percent in New York after front-month prices slid

Oil Climbs to Three-Week High as Refineries Increase Demand
©2015 Bloomberg News NX9EOA6KLVR7 (Bloomberg) — Oil advanced on speculation U.S. refineries increased crude demand for a third week. West Texas Intermediate futures rose 3.8 percent. Refinery utilization rates probably rose by 0.3 percentage points last week, according to a Bloomberg survey. An Energy Information Administration report Wednesday is expected

Oil Holds Gains Near $50 a Barrel as OPEC Sees Demand Growth
©2015 Bloomberg News NW2VS56KLVR5 (Bloomberg) — Oil extended gains near $50 a barrel amid speculation an increase in demand will ease a global glut. Futures rose as much as 0.5 percent in New York after advancing 9 percent last week. Demand will grow and non-OPEC supply is due to contract,

Venezuela’s OPEC Proposal Focuses on Oil Price, Not Volumes
©2015 Bloomberg News NUQRSFSYF01T (Bloomberg) — A summit between OPEC and non-OPEC oil producers that Venezuela is proposing should focus on supporting prices rather than limiting volume, the country’s oil minister said Tuesday. Venezuela seeks a fair price for oil that will support economic growth and energy demand, Oil Minister Eulogio Del

Oil Rebounds After Three-Day Drop as U.S. Inventories Seen Lower
©2015 Bloomberg News NQ24D46JIJUU (Bloomberg) — Oil advanced for the first time in four days amid speculation that U.S. crude stockpiles will decline further, easing a supply surplus. Inventories probably shrank for a seventh week as refiners processed more crude to meet increased fuel consumption in the summer, according to

U.S. Shale Oil Boom Grinds to a Halt as OPEC Keeps Pumping
©2015 Bloomberg News NPNRWH6JIJV3 (Bloomberg) — The shale oil boom that turned the U.S. into the world’s largest fuel exporter and brought $3 gasoline back to America’s pumps is grinding to a halt. Crude output from the prolific tight-rock formations such as North Dakota’s Bakken and Texas’s Eagle Ford shale

Oil Pares Three-Day Slump as U.S. Crude Supply Glut Seen Easing
©2015 Bloomberg News NP1G6B6K50Y0 (Bloomberg) — Oil pared its biggest three-day decline since March before U.S. government data forecast to show crude stockpiles shrank for a fourth week. Futures gained as much as 0.6 percent in New York. Crude inventories probably dropped by 2 million barrels through May 22, a

There’s One Part of the World Where the Oil Industry Is Booming
©2015 Bloomberg News NNY4SJ6K50YC (For Energy column alerts: SALT NRGI ) (Bloomberg) — As the oil industry tightens its belt after the worst price slump in a generation, the state-owned giants of the Middle East are taking the opposite tack. Saudi Arabian Oil Co., Abu Dhabi National Oil Co. and