
America’s Tax Wish List: The Arcane, The Petty, The Greedy
©2015 Bloomberg News NNO9Y96JTSE8 (adding editor name) (Bloomberg Politics) — Since members of Congress and President Barack Obama haven’t been able to make much progress on reforming the tax code, the Senate Finance Committee in March asked the general public for ideas. And America, you came through, with more than

Ben Carson, Gifted Surgeon and Political Neophyte, Announces Presidential Bid
©2015 Bloomberg News NNSRSE6S9728 (Bloomberg Politics) — Ben Carson, the retired neurosurgeon who has become a grassroots conservative favorite on the strength of his motivational life story and strong opposition to President Barack Obama, said Sunday that he is entering the crowded Republican field and running for president. to formally declare himself a

George W. Bush Bashes Obama on Middle Eastern Policy: Josh Rogin
©2015 Bloomberg View NNFYF06JTSEH (Bloomberg View) — In a closed-door meeting with Jewish Donors Saturday night, former President George W. Bush delivered his harshest public criticisms to date against his successor on foreign policy, saying that President Barack Obama is being naïve about Iran and the pending nuclear deal and

Bloomberg Business: Obama Says Mandatory Voting Would ‘Completely Change’ U.S. Political Map
©2015 Bloomberg News NLFJCP6JTSEE Talk about a change election. At a town hall meeting in Cleveland, Ohio, Wednesday, President Obama discussed the idea of mandatory voting, and said “that may end up being a better strategy in the short term” in helping to diminish the influence that money has on

Bloomberg Business: Obama Sets Monday Deadline for Appealing Immigration Order
Copyright 2015 Bloomberg. NKPYNQ6JTSEO (Bloomberg) — The Obama administration said it will appeal a federal judge’s order blocking a controversial immigration program if he doesn’t lift it by Monday. The White House told U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen in Brownsville, Texas, of the new deadline in an advisory filed Wednesday after

Bloomberg Business: Rice Says U.S. Will Block Iran, Won’t Back Away From Israel
Copyright 2015 Bloomberg. NKM3S56K50Z0 (Bloomberg) — President Barack Obama’s national security adviser said the U.S. won’t waver in assuring Israel’s security and that negotiations under way with Iran are the best way to make sure the Islamic Republic doesn’t get a nuclear weapon. Susan Rice, speaking to a pro-Israel group in

Bloomberg Business: Obama Says Keystone Pipeline Would Do Little for U.S. Jobs
Copyright 2015 Bloomberg. NKEN0Q6K5122 (Bloomberg) — President Barack Obama criticized the Keystone XL pipeline as a boon to Canadian oil producers that gives short-shrift to American workers, saying the U.S. should focus on backing domestic energy projects. In his first comments on the pipeline since vetoing a bill meant to force

Bloomberg Business: White House Summit on Extremism Said to Leverage Local Successes
Copyright 2015 Bloomberg. NJVV4M6KLVRC (Bloomberg) — The Obama administration will use a summit on countering violent extremism this week to outline steps for fighting groups beyond Islamic State while showing off current efforts in three U.S. cities, two officials said. The three-day meeting starting Tuesday in Washington will include officials from

Bloomberg Business: Obama Tries to Draw Companies Into Sharing on Network Threats
Copyright 2015 Bloomberg. NJON8J6JIJV8 (Bloomberg) — President Barack Obama will create a way for companies to voluntarily share information about computer- network threats while he awaits congressional action on cybersecurity legislation. Obama plans to announce an order setting up a framework for the information exchange as part of a White House-sponsored

Bloomberg Business: Three of Tech’s Top CEOs to Skip Obama Cybersecurity Summit
Copyright 2015 Bloomberg. NJMWYN6K50XX (Bloomberg) — The top executives of Google Inc., Yahoo! Inc. and Facebook Inc. won’t attend President Barack Obama’s cybersecurity summit on Friday, at a time when relations between the White House and Silicon Valley have frayed over privacy issues. Facebook Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Mark Zuckerberg,