Men’s Training

When You Should Hire A Personal Trainer
Important Questions to Ask Yourself Before Hiring A Personal Trainer. by Michelle Homan Hiring a personal trainer can be one of the most beneficial decisions to be made when attempting to reach your health and fitness goals. But before you pick up the phone, there are a number

Fitness Overtraining: Are You Training Too Hard?
By Dr Kristie Some people are reluctant to begin an exercise program, but when they finally make the commitment they give it 110% of their effort. While such motivation is laudable, exercising too vigorously or frequently can lead to a common problem in the fitness world – overtraining. Overtraining has

5 Tips For Achieving Peak Performance
By John Dunnery Whether you’re a water polo player or a chess fanatic, a piano aficionado or an aspiring chef, there are times when you want to achieve peak performance. Perhaps you are taking a test, performing in a competition, or playing in a championship game. Maybe a special friend

Body Building For Better Health
By Everett Stall Using a bodybuilding workout regime has more benefits beyond the superficial ones. Increasing muscle mass helps you to manage your weight, become stronger, reduce stress, and encourage a healthy night’s sleep. A bodybuilding workout proves beneficial for both men and women looking to live a healthier lifestyle.

Fitness Overtraining: Are You Training Too Hard?
By Dr Kristie Some people are reluctant to begin an exercise program, but when they finally make the commitment they give it 110% of their effort. While such motivation is laudable, exercising too vigorously or frequently can lead to a common problem in the fitness world – overtraining. Overtraining has

5 Tips for Achieving Peak Performance
By John Dunnery Whether you’re a water polo player or a chess fanatic, a piano aficionado or an aspiring chef, there are times when you want to achieve peak performance. Perhaps you are taking a test, performing in a competition, or playing in a championship game. Maybe a special friend