Men’s health

5 Tips for Achieving Peak Performance
By John Dunnery Whether you’re a water polo player or a chess fanatic, a piano aficionado or an aspiring chef, there are times when you want to achieve peak performance. Perhaps you are taking a test, performing in a competition, or playing in a championship game. Maybe a special friend

Free Fitness and Diet Apps for iOS and Android
By Jon Ball Modern society has made it easy to become decadent and forget the need to be strong for this and future generations. That is why one needs to show the new generations that they can live happy healthy lives in a fast-paced world. Here are a few of

Out With the Old, In With the Old: Five Fitness Trends That Remain Super Hot This Year
From Lycra leotards to maple-infused water, the fitness industry is not without its fads. Luckily, for those who would rather shed pounds than dollars, this year’s trend is a “back to basics” approach using proven methods to get you fit, lean and toned. So before you leap into the rip