Men’s health

Dump the Plump: 3 Ways to Lose Weight Without Losing Your Mind
Dump the Plump: 3 Ways to Lose Weight Without Losing Your Mind Losing weight isn’t easy. Whether you’ve been trying to get rid of the weight you gained during pregnancy or the “Freshman 15” that didn’t seem to disappear when you graduated, you aren’t alone in your weight-loss struggles.

Body Building For Better Health
By Everett Stall Using a bodybuilding workout regime has more benefits beyond the superficial ones. Increasing muscle mass helps you to manage your weight, become stronger, reduce stress, and encourage a healthy night’s sleep. A bodybuilding workout proves beneficial for both men and women looking to live a healthier lifestyle.

Healthier Pasta: Why You Should Be Eating Whole-Grain Pasta
By Carlton Ryan Pasta is a delicious and consequently highly popular food. However, pasta is also not particularly healthy since it is high in carbohydrates and has little nutritional value. Eating pasta isn’t terrible for you, but it certainly won’t make you healthier, either. But, what if there was a way

6 Reasons You Can’t Afford to Schedule Exercise Out of Your Life
By Wanda Marie If you’re busier than ever these days, you’re admittedly not alone. Even so, a hectic schedule is not an excuse to cut workouts from your calendar. In fact, evidence suggests you might be shooting yourself in the foot by eliminating your trips to the gym. These are

Fitness Overtraining: Are You Training Too Hard?
By Dr Kristie Some people are reluctant to begin an exercise program, but when they finally make the commitment they give it 110% of their effort. While such motivation is laudable, exercising too vigorously or frequently can lead to a common problem in the fitness world – overtraining. Overtraining has

Four Easy Weight Loss Tips that Will Fit Your Current Daily Routine
By Alexander Eliot One of the hardest aspects of losing weight is finding the time and motivation to change your everyday routine. Sure, rigorous exercise regimens and carefully-planned diets can help you quickly shed some pounds. However, if you have a busy schedule, trying to adopt drastic new weight-loss

7 Inexpensive Pieces Of Fitness Equipment That Will Keep You Fit Year Round
By J. Lang Wood Staying fit is a 365-day-a-year task, and getting to the gym is not always possible. Work schedules, family emergencies and bad weather can keep you away from the workout you need, both physically and psychologically. However, if you keep these seven inexpensive pieces of exercise equipment

How to Start A New Fitness Routine
By Lisa Mason You’re probably already aware of the many benefits of getting and staying in shape and leading an active lifestyle. Once you’ve made the important decision to begin a new fitness routine, where do you begin? The biggest challenge is not only taking that first step, but committing

Can Adding Soy to Your Diet Make You Healthier?
By C. Storey Since 1994, the United Soybean Board (USB) has conducted annual surveys to collect evidence about soybean consumption among Americans. Their 2015 survey revealed that 78% of the 1,000 random survey subjects consumed soybeans regularly, which was an 11% increase from the 2011 survey (67%). The findings revealed

Tempo Manipulation for Lean Tissue Gains
By Nigel Lum-Cox A lot of scientific research has gone into maximizing results from fitness training. This research has shown that tempo manipulation is one of the best ways to develop lean tissue. What is tempo manipulation? Tempo manipulation is the process of controlling the speed (tempo) of each repetition