Mark Zuckerberg

Bezos Reaps $6 Billion Gain on Amazon Results to Displace Slim
published Apr 28th 2016, 4:52 pm, by Tom Metcalf (Bloomberg) —Jeff Bezos has toppled Mexico’s Carlos Slim as the world’s fourth-richest person. Again. The net worth of the 52-year-old Inc. founder rose to $60 billion as the online retailer’s shares jumped 13 percent in extended trading. Amazon posted first-quarter

Islamic State Releases Video Targeting Facebook, Twitter CEOs
©2016 Bloomberg News O32V6A6JIJV0 (Bloomberg) — Islamic State has released a new video that targets the chief executive officers of Facebook Inc. and Twitter Inc. The 25-minute clip shows the faces of Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter’s Jack Dorsey riddled with mock bullet holes, according to the Guardian newspaper and

Bill Gates Q&A on Climate Change: ‘We Need a Miracle’
©2016 Bloomberg News O2Z8WR6S972W (Bloomberg) — All we need is an energy miracle. No pressure, kids. So came the call from Bill Gates on Monday evening with the release of his annual letter. It tackles heady subjects with the billionaire’s usual optimistically sober tone. Unlike letters past, Gates aimed this year’s

Zuckerberg’s New Year’s Challenge: To Build an AI-Powered Helper
©2016 Bloomberg News O0EIHL6JTSEH (Bloomberg) — Mark Zuckerberg has decided on a new challenge for 2016: build an artificially intelligent assistant that can help around the home and at work. Facebook Inc.’s chief executive officer aims to build something like Jarvis in the “Iron Man” comics, he said in a

Zuckerberg Plans to Give Away 99% of His Facebook Stock
©2015 Bloomberg News NYP96W6KLVRM (Bloomberg) — Facebook Inc. Chief Executive Officer Mark Zuckerberg, whose wife just gave birth to a baby girl, announced plans to give away 99 percent of his stock in the social network during his lifetime to advance philanthropic causes. The current value of the planned donation

Zuckerberg to Wall Street: Be Patient, Big Things Will Take Time
©2015 Bloomberg News NSA0BT6KLVR6 (Bloomberg) — Patience is a rare investor virtue. Mark Zuckerberg thinks he has the track record to ask for it. Facebook Inc. had just reported second-quarter revenue Wednesday that beat analysts’ estimates, and on a conference call some of the same analysts asked the chief executive