Kim Jong Un

North Korea – Calling the Bluff or Nuking the World? : A Well Thought Out Scream by James Riordan
In high stakes poker the best players are always the ones with the icy veins and glazed eyes. Try as you might, you can’t figure out whether they got a Royal Flush or a pair of twos. They’ve master the poker face – the art of being unreadable. This does

Ocean of Molten Carbon the Size of Mexico Discovered Under Western U. S. : A Well Thought Out Scream by James Riordan
I’m sure that most of you got up this morning thinking “I wish there was more to worry about!” I mean sometimes North Korea, the opioid epidemic, economic uncertainty, political chaos and new diseases aew just not enough, right. Well, I got your back on this one. Scientists have just

Asian Stocks to Gain After Yen Slips as Risks Fade: Markets Wrap
published Apr 17th 2017, 5:53 pm, by Garfield Reynolds (Bloomberg) —Asian equity futures indicated most regional bourses would gain after U.S. stocks rose the most in six weeks. The yen weakened against most peers as geopolitical threats eased and a fresh set of American economic data damped the odds for a

North Korea May Have Conducted Failed Missile Launch, Kyodo Says
published Mar 21st 2017, 9:36 pm, by Yuki Hagiwara (Bloomberg) — North Korea may have conducted a missile test on Wednesday morning, Japan’s Kyodo News reported, in what would be the latest provocation from Kim Jong Un’s regime. Intelligence suggests that the launch in the eastern part of North Korea

The U.S. Should Help China Help Out on North Korea: Editorial
published Sep 1st 2016, 5:00 pm, by The Editors (Bloomberg View) — Barack Obama and Xi Jinping have obvious disagreements over how to handle North Korea’s illicit weapons program. China is angry about U.S. plans to deploy advanced missile defenses in South Korea to counter the threat, while Obama faces

Purge Survivor Returns to Favor to Revive North Korean Economy
published May 23rd 2016, 5:00 pm, by Sam Kim (Bloomberg) — Kim Jong Un is looking to one of North Korea’s more experienced technocrats — who once narrowly escaped being purged — to revive the economy in the face of punishing international sanctions. Kim this month named prime minister Pak

New North Korea Threat Targets Manhattan : A Well Thought Out Scream by James Riordan
Well, Kim Jong Un and regime are at it again. The North Korean dictator seems to relish in following his father’s tendency to issue idle threats at the United States. This one came as state official website a nuclear scientist named Cho Hyong Il bragged on the country’s powerful new weapon. “Our