Islamic State

Trump to Urge Americans to Abandon `Small Thinking’ and Fights
published Feb 28th 2017, 7:16 pm, by Justin Sink, Margaret Talev and Jennifer Jacobs (Bloomberg) — President Donald Trump will emphasize in his first address to Congress three of the central themes that animated his presidential campaign and are the main thrusts of his early days in office: bolstering immigration

This Nonprofit Wants to Work With Syria’s Dictator: Eli Lake
published Jun 1st 2016, 7:31 pm, by Eli Lake (Bloomberg View) —In this turbulent election year, one constant theme for leaders of both major parties is a desire to build a global coalition against the Islamic State. Now a relatively unknown group is taking that message literally. On Wednesday, a

France, Nigeria to Intensify Military Efforts Against Boko Haram
published May 14th 2016, 2:57 pm, by Elisha Bala-Gbogbo (Bloomberg) — French President Francois Hollande and Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari agreed to strengthen military cooperation and work with the West African country’s neighbors in an stepped-up effort to crush Boko Haram. Buhari said the EU and others had pledged 916

Islamic State Releases Video Targeting Facebook, Twitter CEOs
©2016 Bloomberg News O32V6A6JIJV0 (Bloomberg) — Islamic State has released a new video that targets the chief executive officers of Facebook Inc. and Twitter Inc. The 25-minute clip shows the faces of Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter’s Jack Dorsey riddled with mock bullet holes, according to the Guardian newspaper and

U.S. Sees Five Key Global Threats as It Delivers Defense Budget
©2016 Bloomberg News O29CJT6TTDSO (Bloomberg) — The Pentagon’s weapons buyer says the U.S. defense budget being delivered Tuesday has been designed to counter five threats: Russia, China, Iran, North Korea and extremist terrorist groups including Islamic State. “The strategic environment that we all live in is changing, and it’s changing

*Twitter Accused in Widow’s Suit of Allowing Use by Islamic State
©2016 Bloomberg News O0WVYRSYF01X (Bloomberg) — Twitter Inc. was accused in a lawsuit by the widow of a man killed at a police training center in Jordan of knowingly allowing the Islamic State to spread its terrorist message through its service. The lawsuit by Tamara Fields was filed Wednesday in

Why Silicon Valley Won’t Enlist in Anti-Terror Fight
©2015 Bloomberg News NZ0JKJ6KLVR9 (Bloomberg) — President Barack Obama’s Oval Office speechon combating ISIS included a plea for “high-tech and law enforcement leaders to make it harder for terrorists to use technology to escape from justice.” Hours earlier, Hillary Clinton gave her own speech urging Silicon Valley’s “disrupters” to get to

Security Crackdown Looms as Bomb Blamed for Sinai Jet Crash
©2015 Bloomberg News NXHZOA6S972B (Bloomberg) — As tourists abandon the Egyptian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, government and aviation officials warned that global airport security will need to be reviewed if suspicions are confirmed that a bomb brought down a Russian jetliner over Sinai. While officials don’t have enough evidence yet to

*Putin Said to Plan Islamic State Strikes With or Without U.S.
©2015 Bloomberg News NV58996JIJV3 (Bloomberg) — President Vladimir Putin, determined to strengthen Russia’s only military outpost in the Middle East, is preparing to launch unilateral airstrikes against Islamic State from inside Syria if the U.S. rejects his proposal to join forces, two people familiar with the matter said. Putin’s preferred

Putin Says Global Community Must Unite to Fight Islamic State
©2015 Bloomberg News NUPOUD6JTSEK (Bloomberg) — Russian President Vladimir Putin said the fight against Islamic State should be the global community’s top priority in Syria, rather than changing the regime of Bashar al- Assad. A broad coalition is needed to combat the threat posed by the terrorist group, which wants