A Leaderless Taliban May Benefit Islamic State: Lake and Rogin
©2015 Bloomberg View NS9OV76JTSEB (Bloomberg View) — Normally when a terrorist leader like the Taliban’s Mullah Omar is reported dead, it’s good news for the counter-terrorism world. Think Osama bin Laden in 2011. President Obama boasted about that victory all the way to the next election. But experts and U.S.

*Cameron Seeks to Intensify U.K.’s Efforts Against Islamic State
©2015 Bloomberg News NRR59T6S9728 (Bloomberg) — Prime Minister David Cameron is seeking a bigger role for the U.K. in the fight to eradicate Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, urging an intensified campaign against an ideology that uses recruits as “cannon fodder.” Cameron will use a speech on Monday to

Cameron Criticizes U.K. Muslims Who ‘Quietly Condone’ Extremism
©2015 Bloomberg News NQ5GUS6JIJUO (Bloomberg) — Prime Minister David Cameron will say British Muslims should stop extremist ideologies taking root in their communities if they want to stem the flow of radicalized Islamists traveling to fight in Syria and Iraq. Muslims who “quietly condone” prejudices either online or in their