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Jim's BlogUncategorized

Every time there’s a new hurricane or earthquake, someone starts quoting the Book of Revelation. Or how about that commercial where actor Dennis Haysbert sits in an open field and questions why there have been 26 “once in 500 years storms” in the last decade, when the name implies they

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Jim's Blog

I know what you’re thinking when you see these weather maps with four huge hurricanes swirling around — what happens if they collide?  Of course, if you live in the path of one of these monsters, that thought practically paralyzes you with fear.  For those of us who have no

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Jim's Blog

Those of us who have been around awhile have noticed that hurricanes seem to be getting worse and worse.  They were always a horrific threat to people who leave on the southeastern coast, but the apocalyptic destruction of storms like Katrina, Ivan and Harvey were pretty much unheard of in

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