Posts Tagged
Government Accountability Office

Outdated 401(k) Rules Are Shortchanging Americans
published Nov 28th 2016, 5:32 pm, by Suzanne Woolley (Bloomberg) — Many company 401(k) retirement savings plans could use a swift kick into the 21st century, according to a new report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office. A number of longtime 401(k) plan designs fail to reflect a new, more

Red Star Over Hollywood: ‘Dr. Evil’ Says China Wants the Movies
published Oct 16th 2016, 4:00 pm, by Anousha Sakoui and David McLaughlin (Bloomberg) — The billboard towers over Sunset Boulevard, a marionettist’s hand, a la “The Godfather” posters of decades ago, pulling the strings in Hollywood. It poses an unsettling question: “China’s Red Puppet?” The sign is the work of