
When You Should Hire A Personal Trainer
Important Questions to Ask Yourself Before Hiring A Personal Trainer. by Michelle Homan Hiring a personal trainer can be one of the most beneficial decisions to be made when attempting to reach your health and fitness goals. But before you pick up the phone, there are a number

Ten Essentials for Safe Hiking
By Liza Williams There’s nothing like the great outdoors to rejuvenate body and soul, and no better way to imbue its wonders than by walking. But if you’re planning a hike through the wilds, be sure to factor in a well-stocked kitbag. Walking has its risks, like any activity,

A Simple Approach to Your First Obstacle Race
By Kirsten Vesterback If you’ve been running traditional road races and you’re ready to switch gears and try something new, consider an obstacle race. With names like Spartan Race, Dirty Girl Mud Run or Tough Mudder, these types of events feature all kinds of challenges to contend with in

How Fast Can You Complete the “Crazy Eight” Bodyweight Circuit?
By Warren Davies Here’s a challenging bodyweight circuit that you can do even when you don’t have access to any equipment. It’s short, but high-intensity, so don’t take it lightly. The circuit has eight exercises in total; no doubt someone with deductive powers as keen as yours would have realized

Use The Off-Season To Become A Better Athlete
Whether you play sport in a recreational league or varsity ball, off-season training can be the key to becoming the best player you can. The hard work you do in your time off — and the time you take to let your body recover — can “make or break” your

How to Start a New Fitness Routine
You’re probably already aware of the many benefits of getting and staying in shape and leading an active lifestyle. Once you’ve made the important decision to begin a new fitness routine, where do you begin? The biggest challenge is not only taking that first step, but committing to the routine

The Athlete’s Conundrum: How to Treat Overtraining Syndrome
By Wanda Marie Thibodeaux Exercise makes you stronger and more fit, assuming you give your body what it needs to recover. When you push too hard, you might encounter what’s known as overtraining syndrome. For optimum health, this needs to be treated, but there is more than one way

Body Building For Better Health
By Everett Stall Using a bodybuilding workout regime has more benefits beyond the superficial ones. Increasing muscle mass helps you to manage your weight, become stronger, reduce stress, and encourage a healthy night’s sleep. A bodybuilding workout proves beneficial for both men and women looking to live a healthier lifestyle.

Fitness Overtraining: Are You Training Too Hard?
By Dr Kristie Some people are reluctant to begin an exercise program, but when they finally make the commitment they give it 110% of their effort. While such motivation is laudable, exercising too vigorously or frequently can lead to a common problem in the fitness world – overtraining. Overtraining has

When You Should Hire A Personal Trainer
by Michelle Homan Hiring a personal trainer can be one of the most beneficial decisions to be made when attempting to reach your health and fitness goals. But before you pick up the phone, there are a number of important questions you should be asking yourself. Being honest with yourself