
Eleven Foods That Will Help Keep You Full
By Carlton Ryan Many of us eat too much. The average person would be healthier if they ate less everyday. Of course, doing so is hard. Among the myriad difficulties is hunger. If you try to eat less, you may feel as if you are starving much of the time.

Diet Busters: Why Am I So Hungry?
Staying on a diet is a challenging endeavor, which can often be made more difficult by random days when you feel ravenously hungry for no particular reason. Researchers find that there are some common reasons why these especially hungry days occur, and understanding the triggers for hunger can help you

Magical Weight Loss Foods
By Mark Taylor Let’s be real for a minute now – when it comes to losing weight, there’s no actual “magic” involved. It’s all about burning off more calories than you take in. Undeniably, exercise helps tremendously but let’s have a look at a few foods considered “magical” as they

Am I A Carnivore?
By Elizabeth Bennett Although claiming that homo sapiens is a carnivorous animal is an oft-employed aphorism used when debating the virtues of a vegetarian diet with family members, the truth is that there is no yes-or-no answer to this question, or at least not one which will bear too much scrutiny. It is

Magical Weight Loss Foods
By Mark Taylor Let’s be real for a minute now – when it comes to losing weight, there’s no actual “magic” involved. It’s all about burning off more calories than you take in. Undeniably, exercise helps tremendously but let’s have a look at a few foods considered “magical” as they

Low Carb Cooking
By Mark Taylor As time passes, more and more people seem to be paying greater attention to their bodies and health, compared to other historical periods. One way to quickly drop unwanted pounds would be through low carb cooking and dieting in a responsible manner. This the method of keeping

Diet Busters: Why Am I So Hungry?
By J. Lang Wood Staying on a diet is a challenging endeavor, which can often be made more difficult by random days when you feel ravenously hungry for no particular reason. Researchers find that there are some common reasons why these especially hungry days occur, and understanding the triggers

Do You Really Need To Go Gluten Free? Know The Symptoms Of Gluten Sensitivity
By Beconrad Doctors and scientists have long known that some people were sensitive to gluten. Celiac disease is a well documented and widely studied disease in which sufferers are unable to process the gluten in pasta, bread and other food sources. The inability to process gluten can lead to a

Eleven Foods That Will Help Keep You Full
By Carlton Ryan Many of us eat too much. The average person would be healthier if they ate less everyday. Of course, doing so is hard. Among the myriad difficulties is hunger. If you try to eat less, you may feel as if you are starving much of the time.

Healthier Pasta: Why You Should Be Eating Whole Grain Pasta
By Carlton Ryan Pasta is a delicious and consequently highly popular food. However, pasta is also not particularly healthy since it is high in carbohydrates and has little nutritional value. Eating pasta isn’t terrible for you, but it certainly won’t make you healthier, either. But, what if there was a way