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Unwanted Piles of Corn, Soy Spur Most-Bearish Crop Outlook Ever
©2016 Bloomberg News O0NNAT6KLVRC (Bloomberg) — Piles of unwanted grain on farms near Doug Schmitz’s storage bins in southern Minnesota are a stark reminder of just how bearish the outlook is for U.S.crop prices. After record yields during the harvest a few months ago, growers in the area still have 80 percent

Bloomberg Business: Commodities Decline Near ‘Exhaustion’ as Hackett Says Buy Rice
Copyright 2015 Bloomberg. NL8WAA6S9728 (Bloomberg) — The commodities fall is near “exhaustion” with wheat, rice and coffee set to rebound, according to Shawn Hackett, president of Hackett Financial Advisors in Florida. The Bloomberg Commodity Index of 22 raw materials closed on Friday at the lowest level since August 2002, capping