
Brexit Challenge Will Be Supreme Test of Britain’s Top Court
published Nov 4th 2016, 4:28 am, by Patrick Gower and Jeremy Hodges (Bloomberg) — The century-old Portland stone building of the U.K.’s Supreme Court stands on London’s Parliament Square, separated from the historic structures housing lawmakers and religious leaders by about 400 feet. The top court was founded seven years

What Canada Can Teach Post-Brexit Britain: Clive Crook
published Nov 2nd 2016, 12:52 pm, by Clive Crook (Bloomberg View) — Canada, let’s agree, has much to teach the world. Following the signing of its new trade deal with the European Union, its lessons on the future of Britain and Europe are especially timely. The Economist just celebrated Canada’s

U.K. Firms Show Reluctance to Invest After Brexit Vote, BCC Says
published Oct 9th 2016, 6:01 pm, by John Ainger (Bloomberg) — U.K. businesses have become more cautious about the outlook and may be less inclined to invest and hire since the vote to leave the European Union, according to the British Chambers of Commerce. Citing “muted business investment intentions,” the

May Sees Difficult Times Ahead for U.K. Economy Post-Brexit
published Sep 4th 2016, 10:02 am, by Robert Hutton (Bloomberg) — Prime Minister Theresa May warned there were “difficult times ahead” for the U.K. economy in the wake of the country’s vote to leave the European Union. May was speaking as she traveled to the Group of 20 summit in

Traders Brace for More Turmoil in World’s Worst Equity Market
published Aug 16th 2016, 6:00 pm, by Roxana Zega (Bloomberg) —While most western-European markets have recovered from the Brexit shock, Italy still has a long way to go. With a looming referendum and an ongoing banking crisis, traders are paying up to hedge against more stock turbulence. Investors in the

Brexit May Be Delayed Until Late 2019, Sunday Times Says
published Aug 14th 2016, 3:28 pm, by Svenja O’Donnell (Bloomberg) — Britain’s exit from the European Union could be delayed until late 2019 as new departments set up for the transition may not be ready to start negotiations as early as predicted, the Sunday Times reported. The Brexit and international

The Beginners’ Guide to Brexit: What Have We Learned So Far?
published Jul 24th 2016, 7:00 pm, by Simon Kennedy (Bloomberg) — Britain’s divorce from the European Union is not going to be easy given there is no precedent and no planning was done before the historic referendum result. A bit more than one month on, here’s what we know —

Five Things You Need to Know to Start Your Day
published Jul 19th 2016, 5:56 am, by Lorcan Roche Kelly (Bloomberg) — We’re searching for Brexit impact, Goldman earnings are due, and Turkey may be cut to junk. Here are some of the things people in markets are talking about today. Brexit effects All eyes remain on U.K. economic data

U.S. Stock Futures Show No Signs of Panic Over Turmoil in Turkey
published Jul 17th 2016, 5:05 pm, by Oliver Renick (Bloomberg) — U.S. stock-index futures rose at the open, erasing losses triggered by the failed military coup in Turkey, a sign American markets will be spared financial fallout from unrest in the Mediterranean nation. Futures contracts on the S&P 500 Index

A Post-Brexit Opportunity Europe Shouldn’t Miss: Nicolas Veron
published Jul 14th 2016, 1:22 am, by Nicolas Veron (Bloomberg View) —If there is a silver lining for the world of finance from the Brexit vote it is this: that the departure of Britain offers the European Union a chance to complete much-needed reforms to the Continent’s lagging capital markets.