
Devotional 10/19: A Question About Hillary For You!
I apologize that I do not have a real devotional available for you this week. However, recently, I have been thinking a lot about the upcoming election and the candidates. I have had a couple of huge questions on my mind that I was hoping to get some feedback on. The

Clinton Derides Trump, Cruz for ‘Bluster’ in National Security Speech
©2016 Bloomberg News O4IGED6KLVR9 (Bloomberg) — Hillary Clinton cast herself Wednesday as the only presidential candidate capable of leading the U.S. as it confronts the threat of terrorism, deriding Republicans Donald Trump and Ted Cruz for offering “bluster” rather than real solutions. “Slogans aren’t a strategy; loose cannons tend to misfire,”

Hillary Clinton’s Hubris Still Could Trip Her: Albert R. Hunt
©2016 Bloomberg View O3MKCM6JTSE8 (Bloomberg View) — Hillary Clinton could be in for some political peril. Sure, by winning 11 of the 17 contests since her New Hampshire drubbing, and running away with the delegate count, she’s not far from sewing up the Democratic presidential nomination. It’s the Republicans, not

Bloomberg Business: The Conservative Divide Over the Benghazi-ness of Ferguson
©2015 Bloomberg News NLQQOP6KLVR6 (Bloomberg Politics) — Three weeks ago the Department of Justice released two reports on Ferguson—one explaining the DOJ’s reasoning against charging Officer Wilson for shooting Michael Brown, and another acknowledging the civil rights violations, brutality, and racial bias ingrained in the culture of the Ferguson Police