
Well-Timed Nutrition For The Best Possible Workout
A well-timed intake of nutrients before, during and after exercise is a primary determinant of how effective (and comfortable) your workout will be. If you’ve ever hit the gym after a large meal or without enough food or in your stomach, you will know how quickly athletic endeavors can turn

Use The Off-Season To Become A Better Athlete
Whether you play sport in a recreational league or varsity ball, off-season training can be the key to becoming the best player you can. The hard work you do in your time off — and the time you take to let your body recover — can “make or break” your

The Athlete’s Conundrum: How to Treat Overtraining Syndrome
By Wanda Marie Thibodeaux Exercise makes you stronger and more fit, assuming you give your body what it needs to recover. When you push too hard, you might encounter what’s known as overtraining syndrome. For optimum health, this needs to be treated, but there is more than one way