Posts Tagged
Affordable Healthcare Act

Obama Tries to Sell Insurers on Obamacare After 2016 Defections
published Sep 12th 2016, 4:12 pm, by Toluse Olorunnipa (Bloomberg) — President Barack Obama met with top executives from more than a dozen health insurers, including Humana Inc. and Cigna Corp., to re-affirm his support for the Affordable Care Act after several companies retreated from the law’s government-run insurance markets.

Obama Administration Fails to End House’s Health-Care Suit
©2015 Bloomberg News NUFQ2I6JIJUO (Bloomberg) — Congressional Republicans were allowed by a judge to pursue their lawsuit accusing the Obama administration of violating the Constitution by spending money on the president’s signature legislative achievement, the Affordable Care Act. A federal judge in Washington on Wednesday declined to dismiss the lawsuit