
Trump Boosts High-Ethanol Gasoline as He Courts Iowa Farm Voters
published Oct 9, 2018, 7:33:41 PM, by Jennifer A. Dlouhy and Mario Parker (Bloomberg) — President Donald Trump moved on Tuesday to make it easier to sell more ethanol in vehicle fuel, delivering a victory to corn farmers and biofuel producers that could translate to long-term market gains. Trump said

One of the World’s Hottest Short Sellers Is Changing Tactics
published Jun 28, 2018 6:01:06 PM, by Tom Redmond (Bloomberg) — Earlier this month, Soren Aandahl scored one of his biggest victories as a short seller when he dramatically took down the leader of a world-famous brand. In some ways, the resignation of Samsonite International SA’s chief executive officer after

Third Time’s Not a Charm as Trump Tries to Craft a Biofuel Fix
published Mar 1, 2018, 4:08:10 PM, by Jennifer A. Dlouhy and Mario Parker (Bloomberg) — President Donald Trump found out how difficult it is to bridge the competing interests of ethanol producers and oil refiners as a third White House biofuel meeting in four days ended with no agreement on

U.S. Sees `Four or Five’ Ways to Resolve North Korean Crisis
published Sep 25, 2017, 4:54:55 PM, by Margaret Talev, Kambiz Foroohar and Tony Capaccio (Bloomberg) —The U.S. has gamed out four or five different scenarios for how the crisis with North Korea will be resolved, and “some are uglier than others,” National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster said as tensions again

Google’s Diversity Chief Slams Worker Memo on Gender Inequality
published Aug 6th 2017, 3:47 pm, by Megan Durisin and Neil Weinberg (Bloomberg) —Illustrating how Silicon Valley is grappling with the role of women in technology, Google’s new diversity chief forcefully pushed back against a male worker’s argument that a “politically correct monoculture” ignores differences in capabilities between the sexes.

Trump Invokes Patriotism, Unity After Day of Anti-Media Tweets
published Jul 1st 2017, 10:06 pm, by Margaret Talev (Bloomberg) —President Donald Trump delivered a campaign-style speech heavy with patriotic themes and support for American troops on Saturday night, and didn’t spare the news media from another dose of the criticism dished out earlier in the day on social media.

Starbucks Food Woes Look Worse With JAB’s Panera Acquisition
published Apr 5th 2017, 4:35 pm, by Leslie Patton (Bloomberg) — Starbucks Corp. has been struggling for years to pull off its ambitious plan of selling more food. That task just got tougher. JAB Holding Co.’s $7.2 billion acquisition of bakery-cafe chain Panera Bread Co. on Wednesday vaults the investment

Ivanka Trump to Join White House Officially After Ethics Stir
published Mar 29th 2017, 4:10 pm, by Ben Brody, Lindsey Rupp and Bill Allison (Bloomberg) — Ivanka Trump said she will become an official unpaid federal employee after Democratic lawmakers said her unspecified role advising her father, President Donald Trump, raised questions about how she’d avoid conflicts-of-interests. “I have heard

Women and Family: Marriage as Cause of Stability, Not Just Effect: Megan McArdle
published Feb 8th 2017, 2:53 pm, by Megan McArdle (Bloomberg View) —Well-adjusted children and functional marriages go together. But are the kids thriving because the parents’ marriage works, or does the marriage work for the same reasons that the kids are thriving? This is what social scientists call “selection effect,”

The A to Z of Theresa May’s Brexit as Her Vision Speech Nears
published Jan 15th 2017, 6:01 pm, by Alex Morales (Bloomberg) —For someone who declared she’ll give no “running commentary” on her Brexit plans, U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May has been quite talkative about Britain’s pending withdrawal from the European Union. On Tuesday, she is set to say even more as