wwI homeschooled my autistic teen for 6 years and loved every minute of it. During those years I was able to figure out what worked and what didn’t for how he learned. He attended K12, a nearby CoOp Homeschool program and now he is fully remote in a public school set up. There are still lots of gaps in his learning, especially when it comes to Math. It has been a whirlwind finding what websites work and which ones he falls asleep in, LOL!w.amazines.com
published Sep 9, 2018, 7:04:11 PM, by Ila Patnaik (Bloomberg Opinion) — The Indian rupee has been sliding against the U.S. dollar in recent days as emerging markets come under pressure. That’s made the currency one of Asia’s worst performers, losing 12 percent this year. The rupee’s latest moves have