Your Money
Articles to keep you informed about trends and help you manage your money

Rich Professionals Are Using Pension Plans as a Tax Dodge
published Aug 15, 2018, 10:11:20 AM, by Ben Steverman (Bloomberg) — There’s one area where the traditional pension plan is getting new life — as a tax dodge for wealthy business owners. Pensions, also known as defined-benefit plans, can be used by doctors, law partners and wealth managers to stash

Active Money Management Isn’t Going to Disappear: Barry Ritholtz
published Aug 13, 2018, 5:00:12 AM, by Barry Ritholtz (Bloomberg Opinion) — There’s a line of argument in the financial press that suggests that active money management is dying, a victim of high fees and underperformance versus low-cost indexing that captures average market returns. Newsflash: This is anything but the

Matt Levine’s Money Stuff: Crypto Pumps Are Just for Fun
published Aug 6, 2018, 9:45:43 AM, by Matt Levine (Bloomberg Opinion) — Crypto pump-and-dumpery. The word “unregulated” has a sort of strange usage in finance. Hedge funds, for instance, are often referred to as “unregulated,” which their compliance teams must find frustrating. Everything is regulated. Hedge funds are not subject to the same

Free Fidelity Funds Stoke Price War in Bid to Catch Index Giants
published Aug 1, 2018, 4:42:02 PM, by Charles Stein, Annie Massa and Felice Maranz (Bloomberg) — Fidelity Investments, having lost billions of dollars in assets to rivals, pulled out some new ammunition to use against them — dropping fees to zero. The move is part of an ongoing reckoning at

Matt Levine’s Money Stuff: You Still Can’t Buy the Bitcoin ETF
published Jul 27, 2018, 10:12:15 AM, by Matt Levine (Bloomberg Opinion) — Bitcoin ETF fail. Right now if you want to buy Bitcoins, you mostly have to buy Bitcoins. Presumably a lot of people who want to buy Bitcoins want to buy Bitcoins, but a lot of people don’t. A

Why Retire When You’re Too Old to Enjoy It? Quit Your Job Now
published Jul 25, 2018 4:15:15 AM, by Ben Steverman (Bloomberg) — Millions of Americans obsess over their careers and fret about saving, terrified they won’t have enough to ever retire. The advice now being offered by some experts may surprise these worried souls: Take months or years off from work,

How to Become One of the 401(k) Millionaires: Barry Ritholtz
published Jul 23, 2018 11:00:18 AM, by Barry Ritholtz (Bloomberg Opinion) — There are a lot of misconceptions about so-called corporate qualified plans, the best known of which are 401(k)s. Much of the misunderstanding stems from several articles about a Fidelity Investments report on how many of its clients had

New Yorkers Trying to Flee High State Taxes Find Moving Isn’t So Easy
published Jul 23, 2018, 3:00:00 AM, by Ben Steverman and Simone Foxman (Bloomberg) — Among the wealthy tri-state-area set, there’s more buzz than ever about fleeing south to Florida, land of mild winters and, more importantly after last year’s federal tax overhaul, zero state personal income tax. Actual action? Pretty

The Good and the Bad of Retirement Saving: Barry Ritholtz
published Jul 9, 2018 12:31:27 PM, by Barry Ritholtz (Bloomberg Opinion) — Each year, Vanguard Group releases its annual review of the state of retirement savings in America, focusing on the 401(k)s, 403(b)s and other defined-contribution plans that allow people to set money aside for retirement, and in many cases

Got Shares in a Blockbuster IPO? Dump Them, Quick: Tim Culpan
published Jul 5, 2018 4:00:13 PM, by Tim Culpan (Bloomberg Opinion) — Investors lucky enough to secure shares in a big IPO and not be constrained by a lockup would be advised to offload them immediately. And if you’re eyeing the next blockbuster like Xiaomi Corp., don’t even bother. I