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Women and Family

Bi-weekly blog from our resident expert, Brad Weisman

Women and Family

by Patricia James The COVID-19 pandemic has added a little bit more of an edge to finding help for working parents with children this summer… Finding reliable childcare and newborn help in London over the summer holidays is challenging in general. The COVID-19 pandemic has added a little bit more

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Women and Family

It is fair to assume that dating during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic is not at the top of any one’s list of priorities. In an attempt to stop the spread of the virus, Americans are going into self-isolation and hunkering down for an indefinite period of time. But those of us who live alone and are single face the bleak prospect of weeks if not months without in-person contact. And a long-standing lack of physical or emotional contact may feel pretty desperate when it comes to preserving our mental health.In the midst of the pandemic, learn how to keep dating in a fun, safe and responsible manner.

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Women and Family

We’ve all made fun of people sitting across the table from each other, looking at their phones and tablets instead of at the person right in front of them. Sometimes we talk to each other across the table though our phones! My wife and I have had public and (hopefully) humorous conversations on FaceBook while sitting a few feet from each other in the same room.

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Women and Family

Maintaining your sex drive as you get older is very important to most people. Sex is a satisfying part of their lifestyle and not one they want to lose. It is normal for a person’s sex drive to diminish as they get older. Specifically those over 60 may find it is harder to get into the mood or even to get your body to physically comply with what you want to do. Living a healthy lifestyle is going to make a very significant impact for you so don’t blow it off. What you choose to do today is going to affect your health and your level of sexual desire as you get older.

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Women and Family

Since the beginning of time, good kids have been known to do dumb things. The same can be said of naïve and well-meaning parents. Because they don’t know what to say, some parents fail to talk to their children about drugs. Others develop a false sense of security after they do.

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Women and Family

By: Mason Duchatschek Young, wild, and free … isn’t that what it’s supposed to feel like to be a teenager? While it’s normal for teens to push and discover their limits, it’s also dangerous. Due in large part to the fact that parenting decisions are only as sound as the

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Women and Family

Close to 60% of young adults lack confidence in themselves for a number reasons.  20% of college age women have eating disorders. All of these awful statistics fall in that category of feeling like they do not measure up. This is common for young adults, however the long term affects of

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Women and Family

Everyone Deserves Respect Everyone deserves respect even if we don’t see eye to eye. The world seems to operate better when we treat people with dignity and respect. Below illustrates how this applies in business, however it truly applies in all facets of life. Many companies have found themselves outsourcing

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Women and Family

I left a meeting recently and the comment that came out from the person on the other side of the table was “Is The Juice Worth the Squeeze”. Not even two days after this statement I heard it again in a meeting on the very same topic. We often in

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Women and Family

Brutal Honesty I see no honor in talking behind other people’s backs even if you have a valid reason to state what you might be stating to others. Who are any of us to judge who or what people should or should not do?? However, I find people who are

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