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Women and Family

Bi-weekly blog from our resident expert, Brad Weisman

Women and Family

An education is one amongst the most very important things a person will possess if they want to achieve a successful career in this world. Children are attending traditional schools for years and years; however virtual highschool is that the way forward for education. It’s becoming clearer, as time goes on, that every student learns at a different pace which weaknesses and strengths vary greatly.

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Women and Family

Most of us appreciate that Google has become far more than a search engine. There are a host of free tools provided by Google that help you get organised and that make collaborating with friends and colleagues easy; tools that now extend to planning your big day.

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Women and Family

If we, as adults, could go back in time and alter our education or career path, I’m quite sure many of us would. You see, some of us are born as Natural Entrepreneurs, while the rest have to build this from scratch. However, the Department of Education is far more concerned about your child getting through high school, than they are about the success of their career.

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Women and Family

Co-parenting after divorce may be one of the hardest challenges you will face. This is especially true if you want to minimize the negative effects of divorce on your children.

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Women and Family

Mukee Okan speaks about sexual energy and describes a premature ejaculation exercise that will increase your overall levels of sexual energy and ‘juiciness’.
My sincerest wish for men is that they can experience the ecstasy of high energy sex as often as possible and learn new ways to stop having low energy sex!

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Women and Family

Stimulating memory is of great importance since the children are very young. In a way adapted to your abilities and your learning pace, you can work on this mental quality that is so important to your life.

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Women and Family

Young, wild, and free … isn’t that what it’s supposed to feel like to be a teenager? While it’s normal for teens to push and discover their limits, it’s also dangerous. Due in large part to the fact that parenting decisions are only as sound as the information on which they’re based, more parents are choosing to rely on tools and technology than gut instinct.

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Women and Family

Sasha Abena Meade and her husband have just purchased a laptop and a personal finance software for their teenage daughter. They say they want their daughter to learn prudent personal finance principles early, and they think the best time to do that is in her high school days. Sasha and her husband are but just one couple who have purchased personal finance software for their daughter. Many are doing the same thing.

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Women and Family

When your teenager starts to get out of hand you have to ask yourself some hard questions. The first step is to honestly evaluate how you think you’re doing when communicating with your teen. Do you feel you are sharing valuable information and time? Or do you feel there is a communication gap and he’s hiding something?

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Women and Family

Parents need to understand just how valuable time at the playground is for the development of children. There is a significant difference between the structured play of recess and the spontaneous play on a playground on a Saturday afternoon. The break is excellent for getting children used to being part of the structure but also being able to exert their creativity at the same time. But when the conditions of play are random and unexpected, then the kid will experience advances live that might not occur otherwise.

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