Women and Family
Bi-weekly blog from our resident expert, Brad Weisman

The Rusty Knight
By Lazz Laszlo Submitted On February 14, 2021 Well-toned body and muscles galore He could take any opponent to the floor His physical appearance was his female hook You could tell by the names in his little black book He could walk in and with just a glance Pick or discard tight

All The Things Adventurous Couples Can Do
Have you ever looked at people and try to learn what actually makes them happy? Is it possible for someone to be more content when in a relationship than alone? Do you think that they can show their true self while discovering themselves in a relationship?It is very possible. Many people actually feel happier when they have someone to share their happiness with. The feeling of being alone and doing things by themselves is something that doesn’t quite fulfill them.

Template To Create a Teen Behavior Contract
Desperate to regain some kind of control of your teen? Then a teen behavior contract might be exactly what you need. Here you will find a template to create a teen behavior contract with, so you can focus on the finer details rather than writing our own contract.

Ways to reduce your child screen time
n recent times, one of the biggest problems for children is screen addiction. Although the term itself gives a hint of the meaning, many parents fail to understand what screen addiction is. It is a condition where children are too engrossed in screens all the time. Eventually, the kids reach a point where they lose themselves in the screens and feel like nothing else would be enough to keep them happy.

The Art of Apology. How to say “Sorry” correctly
When in love, we are not always able to stay calm and say the right things, especially if we have an issue within relationships that needs to be fixed. If you did something wrong or rude to a person you love you might know how awful an aftertaste of a fight is. Don’t lose a chance to build a happy life with a person you love because of foolish pride but find the best approach and apologize sincerely to someone you love.

The Qualities That Make A Partner Stay For Life
When you get to know somebody and all is good, love and affection builds, a desire to be with them builds, but sometimes that fades with the chemistry and passion. Love that lasts, builds with respect and admiration for that person, for who they really are.

How To Overcome Codependency In Your Marriage
Are you married to an addict or someone with deep personal issues? Is your marriage or family life going through a difficult time because of problems, financial concerns, abuse, or caring for a physically or emotionally handicapped family member?

How To Keep Your Relationship Balanced In Work From Home Times?
The extreme pandemic has put the world on different difficulties and one such test is to adjust relationship in telecommute times. Couples telecommuting during the pandemic might think that it is hard to adjust their relationship.

5 Important Things to Keep in Mind When Visiting an Ailing Loved One
Death is a natural part of life, but when the time comes to bid farewell to a friend or loved one, words often fail. Grappling with the passing of those closest to us is never easy, but, with advances in healthcare, death can often be prepared for.

Days Out With The Family Are Good For Your Health
It’s common knowledge that everyone loves a day out Yorkshire spending time with their loved ones. However, not everyone is aware of how much of a positive impact these days out can have on your health and wellbeing.