Women and Family
Bi-weekly blog from our resident expert, Brad Weisman

The 1 Relationship Question That Changes Everything in an Argument
It’s time to share a relationship question you need to ask when something has gone south with your partner, in order to start healing and righting the ship.

Protect Your Children, Family and Yourself
You can read any newspaper, look at your TV or listen to your radio about so many stories of crime, school shooting, child abduction, child molester, children kidnaped, bullies at school, sex trafficking, home invasion murder, rape, abused, robbery, war and terrorism!

How To Make Her Fall in Love with You After Just One Date?
Dating is hard. No question about it. Especially in this technology-driven the world we live today. But there are things that can help us achieve our dating goals and appear more confident than we really are. Every human being who wants a long-lasting relationship has the same standards when it comes to dating, and even though every human being is different, it all comes down to the same principles that can make someone fall in love with each other very soon after the first date. Here are some tips on what to pay attention and sweep her off her feet immediately.

7 Things To Know To Help Aging Veterans
The VA has considerable benefits for aging veterans and their surviving spouses for long term care, yet many are unknown and underutilized. Here’s what families of veterans should know:

11 Habits That’s Killing Your Marriage
There are habits that a husband or wife indulges in that look harmless at first but if he or she continues indulging in such habits, they will eventually kill the marriage. The effect of these habits may not be visible to the couple at first but over time, they continue to nib at the foundation of their love relationship until bringing it down brick by brick until such as time when the couple begins wondering what has become of the love they once professed for each other.

Speculative To Survive A Long Distance Break Up? Here Are Top Tips To Consider!
Well, breaking up with your phone dating partner has never been an easy thing to face. No matter even if you think it’s the right time to go for a break-up, things may become difficult for you. If you are in a long distance relationship, and unfortunately situation arose when both of you have to break-up, things get harder. However, long distance break-up can sometimes be tough for you to handle. Below you can take guidelines to deal with long distance break-up issues

by GENE MYERS 11/14/2022 Here we go again. Ho, ho, ho and a bottle of….wait a minute—it doesn’t go that way. Well, it’s mid-November and I’ve already viewed several Hallmark Christmas movies, perhaps in the mood for cheesy, well-worn, predictable, plotlines, to wit: boy meets girl, conflict, spark, boy gets girl,

Choosing the Right Parenting Product to Discipline Your Child
With so many child discipline tools and parenting products on the market, how can parents be sure that they are choosing the correct one for their family?

The Myth of Natural Game Demystified
There are generally 2 kinds of social interaction classified you used when you head out: structural and natural. Being structural is when you are adopting any structured linear method of socializing, almost like an already prepared social performance that you have successfully done before, hence a specific routine.

How to deal with growing pains in children?
Growing pains tend to be relatively prevalent in kids. In most cases the common growing pains is benign and grown out of. In spite of this every case will have to be taken seriously and provided a correct examination since there are some important problems that have similar symptoms to growing pains and might potentially have very serious outcomes if you’re not recognized early and handled.