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Women and Family

Bi-weekly blog from our resident expert, Brad Weisman

Women and Family

Many of us have probably considered, in one way or another, what we value most in a relationship. We might not say it explicitly, but we have thought about it.

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Women and Family

Being Married made me realize how important good Pre-Marital counseling and regular marital counseling is. These type of services were not widely available to couples at the time that I got married and when it was offered you had to join the church in order to be counseled.

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Women and Family

Communication is the key to any successful relationship, and this applies to the relationship between teachers and parents too. However, with a wide variety of communication channels available today, it can be challenging to bridge the gap between busy teachers and even busier parents. In this blog post, we’ll explore some practical strategies to help break down the communication barrier between teachers and parents so that everyone involved in children’s education can work together toward their success.

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Women and Family

Burnout in youth sports is a threat to the physical and mental stamina of young athletes.As competitive youth athletics engages younger participants each year, the threat of, both, physical and mental burnout in young players grows more imminent. Over involvement in competitive leagues has long-term consequences for kids, if after the first 12 years of their lives they abandon organized sports or, perhaps, physical activity completely.

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Women and Family

Dating a depressed person may be stressful, not to mention draining emotionally. It hurts to see your partner struggle with negativity, self-defeat, and harmful behaviours. The fact is that managing a relationship with a depressed person may be difficult. You could find it more challenging to manage the relationship as they struggle with the highs and lows of everyday life, especially if you don’t have any support or are unfamiliar with this prevalent mental health problem.

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Women and Family

Relationships take work, they take time, and they take energy. But when do you decide enough is enough. When do you say, this relationship is no longer for me, I need to end it. And how do you finally decide it’s okay to let it go?

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Women and Family

A common theme in all of such situation is the things between the two of you just are not amazing as they used to be. It is not the end of the world, and it is definitely an issue that can be completely fixed. Using the communication skills can help in highlighted above, you can also fix such issues before they can help to be something that is bigger.

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Women and Family

Teaching children how to act around dogs is an important part of ensuring the safety of both children and dogs. Dogs, like all animals, can be unpredictable and may bite or scratch if they feel threatened or uncomfortable. Children, on the other hand, may not understand the proper way to interact with dogs and may accidentally hurt or scare them.

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Women and Family

It’s natural to feel a range of emotions after a breakup, including a desire to get back together with your ex. However, it’s important to take some time to process your feelings and consider if getting back together is truly what you want. Here are a few things to consider if you want to try to love your ex back:

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