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Looking Good

James Vincent’s blog on fashion, food, and fitness

FashionLooking Good

by  Keith A. Gilbert D.D.S. June 18, 2021 Did you know that an average adult has three or more missing teeth, according to American Dental Association? We are so obsessed with a toothy smile that missing teeth holds us back from certain situations. It makes us conscious about the way we

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FashionLooking Good

Out-of-fashion people tend to have a healthy sense of humor when they talk about fashion, but both they and enthusiasts (particularly those with classical sensibilities) experience a certain transformation of anger when faced with something outside the box itself. Some people treat fashion as if it were a bloody sport.

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FoodLooking Good

Kale is considered the healthiest food in the world. It’s time for you to start eating kale and live a longer, healthy life! There are so many incredible benefits of kale!

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bionic eye
FashionLooking Good

Dark and patchy skin creates a big problem for your natural glowing face. These dark patches develop prominently after a certain point in time. It creates an ugly and unimpressive look and makes the skin less attractive. You can successfully remove these with the ever-reliable dependency of cosmetic surgery, where the treatment produces a high percentage of success ratios. Going for cosmetic treatment helps your skin to develop natural-looking and pretty one. Dark eye-line is a noticeable skin blemish often spotted in the face area and becomes more prominent as time goes.

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FitnessLooking Good

“We don’t quit playing because we grow old; we grow old because we quit playing.”

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man doing an exercise at a desk
FitnessLooking Good

Staying healthy at work is a critical factor in your overall well being. Learn the 3 steps to maintain and improve your overall health while you work. There’s been a lot of buzz around what’s been going on in the working world on the negative health benefits of sitting. We all know that smoking is dangerous and bad for you, but did we ever stop and consider what could be happening to us because we’re sitting so much? Here’s 3 steps to maintain a healthy lifestyle while working at a desk.

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FoodLooking Good

by  Lawrence Wilson MD  May 11, 2021 A primary goal of every mineral balancing program is to replace missing vital minerals in our bodies. Everyone today is low in these important nutrients. Most everyone has mineral starvation, no matter how many calories or how much protein or other food one eats.

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FitnessLooking Good

We know that physical exercises are one of the pillars of quality of life. However, doing any physical activities without knowing their potentials can create several problems. It goes for all events, from heavyweight training to running outdoors. They all require effort on the part of the joints and muscles. Thus, it is essential to have the guidance of a Personal trainer in London. Apart from your daily routine, you can go for contacting the right personal trainer who can guide you with all the types of exercises that you can do, which indoor and outdoor exercises will be the best for your health and so on.

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FitnessLooking Good

by Anthony T. Craft July 22, 2021 Take a minute to think about the healthy eating and physical activity goal you set for yourself this past week. What successes did you have? What challenges did you encounter? What helped you address those challenges? Using your experience from last week, think

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FitnessLooking Good

The weight-loss industry is a huge one worth billions of dollars annually but there is more to your well-being than what you eat. Your own self-esteem can be more of a factor than you may think. If you can work on this then dieting and weight-loss will become easier.

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