Looking Good
James Vincent’s blog on fashion, food, and fitness
Some Basic Things about Juicing
Some people say they can recognize a ‘juicer’ at the greengrocer or at the local supermarket from the distance. How? Well, they are the ones who load large amounts of apples and carrots into their trolley. Additionally, they have that look of something like ‘I am so healthy’.
Exciting Accessories to Create a Personality for Your Car
by Jan May 21, 2022 Curious about ways to create a personality for your car? Let’s take a look at a few bells and whistles ideas… Your car is not simply a mode of transportation, it also reflects your personality too. Below are reviews on some good accessories to give
Four exercises to avoid if you have back pain?
Physical activity can be a great way to prevent and treat back pain – but some exercises may do more harm than good.
What Size Glasses Are Right for Your Face?
The size of your glasses may not be the first thing you think of when you’re looking to buy a new pair of designer specs. Instead it might be style or colour, but in order to achieve the perfect fit for your face shape and everyday bifocals, you must consider the size of the frames. If you’re making the investment in designer eyewear and buying a new pair of Lindberg glasses or Chloe shades, for example, then you want to make sure you’re getting it right!
The Best Candies To Eat For Your Health
By Emma Candy Ville 1. UnReal Milk Chocolate Gems “I’m really impressed with these,” says Gorin. “The candy contains no artificial flavor or color, and the coloring comes from natural sources, like hibiscus and turmeric.” Because these contain a fair amount of sugar, though, you’ll want to stick with the mini
Eating Before Exercise! Athlete Food
If you exercise early in the morning, it is best to get up early enough to eat before exercise. There is usually little time left to digest food before exercise. At least! Try eating or drinking something easily digestible 20-30 minutes before exercise. However, depending on the type of exercise, its duration, and intensity, a light meal with digestible carbohydrates can improve performance. Glycogen can be depleted after an overnight fast, so a pre-workout snack can help replenish liver glycogen stores.
Why You Should Be Careful With DIY Teeth Whitening Hacks
Although editing your teeth to look whiter in a photo can be fixed quickly with the click of a button, individuals still desire to have pearly whites for in-person interactions and as a boost of self-confidence. Scared off by the high price tag of professional in-house teeth whitening, many individuals take to DIY methods they’ve seen passed around social media. However, while these viral trends might seem like a cost-effective way to whiten your teeth, they can end up doing more harm than good. Here’s why you should be careful with DIY teeth whitening hacks:
How to do the Dark Eye Removal Process with Success
By Sameer Tehlani November 23, 2020 Dark and patchy skin creates a big problem for your natural glowing face. These dark patches develop prominently after a certain point in time. It creates an ugly and unimpressive look and makes the skin less attractive. You can successfully remove these with the ever-reliable dependency
Best Herb to get Rid of Man Boobs
Changing is always hard for most people. We have passed through the life stages from the child to the adult period. Just remember that when we grew from child to teenager we faced very different situation. Men often have problem with their boobs during their adolescence.
Days Off and Easy Miles Lead to Performance Gains
It’s a difficult concept to accept. When I first started running, I thought I had to give 100% effort with every training run and run as many miles as I possibly could to realize fitness gains.