Jim’s Blog
James Riordan‘s current events article series, “A Well Thought-Out Scream”

BILL GATES VOICES CONCERN ABOUT ROBOTS: A Well Thought Out Scream by James Riordan
Though he is the world’s richest man and he made that fortune from technology, that doesn’t mean Bill Gates embrace everty new technological breakthrough as a step forward for mankind. In a recent Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything), Microsoft’s former CEO answered questions that included a number relating to robotic

A Well Thought Out Scream: Corporate Battles Over the Internet
The future of the Internet is being shaped by legal battles involving some of the world’s most powerful corporations. Spearheading the movement have been startup companies that employ vocal technology. These companies have been advocating for stronger regulations concerning broadband access while Internet service providers such as Comcast and Verizon

A Well Thought Out Scream: Christian Mother to be Executed for Speaking against Mohammad
A Well Thought Out Scream by James Riordan According to her family, Asia Bibi, a Christian mother of five was falsely accused of blasphemy for speaking against the prophet Muhammad. She is to be hanged and would be the first woman executed under Pakistan’s Shariah blasphemy law. She has filed

A Well Thought-Out Scream: One third of Americans put off Medical Care in 2014 due to High Costs!
A Well Thought Out Scream: By James Riordan According to a recent Gallup Poll, 33% of Americans put off seeking medical treatment in 2014 due to high costs, the highest percentage since Gallup began asking the question in 2001. Besides the soaring costs, people just don’t trust doctors anymore. The

A Well Thought Out Scream by James Riordan : NASA Says Winters are Going Be Colder
There may still be a lot of debate going on over whether or not Global Warming is a real threat but, no matter which side you come down on that question, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration is going on record as saying that winters are definitely going to be

A Well Thought Out Scream : Houston Withdraws Demand that Pastors Turn Over their Sermons
Houston Mayor Annise Parker has withdrawn subpoenas aimed at five local pastors after a national firestorm during which she was accused of anti-religious intimidation and abuse of power. Ms. Parker said at a recent press conference that removing the subpoenas lets the city avoid “a squabble over freedom of religion” in the

A Well Thought Out Scream : Christian Couple Released From Prison
An Asian American couple has been released from Qatar prison after serving nearly a year. Matthew and Grace Huang’s story is a classic example of clashing cultures. Some things that are praised and highly regarded in one culture can be so suspicious in another that they may lead to your