Devotionals and interviews

We All Crap Our Pants When We Die, Thank God!
We are not God and God is different than us (Isaiah 55:8). Isn’t that something to be thankful for? I guess that is hard to understand if we believe that we are all there is. It is hard to understand if we believe that God is just something cavepeople made

Christians Are to Live Abundantly
In John 10:10 Jesus is quoted as saying, “… I am come that they might have life and that they might [live] it more abundantly.” Many ministers and lay members of the church are afraid to acknowledge this scripture because they feel that it casts a less than favorable light upon themselves and members of their church if they are not all living as abundantly a Jesus professed they ought to live.

On the Road to Freedom
Mylon Le Fevre passed away recently. Our prayers are with his wife and family. I would like to tell you about Mylon Le Fevre. According to his book, Live Forever (2013) Mylon was born on October 6th, 1944 in Gulfport Miss into a musical family that loved Jesus. Since he

Prayer: America’s Hope
by Mark A Zarr America was built on the foundation and knowledge that our freedoms are endowed to us from the Creator. It is odd to me that God is one of the last places we think to look for the restoration of our freedoms. We rally and cry out to

Choosing Love Over Hate: The Authentic Christian Response to 9/11
by Daniel Payne October 6, 2023 The events of September 11, 2001, forever changed the world and left an indelible mark on our collective consciousness. In the face of such immense tragedy, it can be easy to succumb to feelings of anger, fear, and hatred. However, as Christians, we are

Don’t Sell Your Soul to The Devil Do This Instead
As desperate human beings, millions of people unknowingly sell their souls to the king of darkness for countless reasons every day, including for money, popularity, and power. People will also sell their souls to the devil in order to escape misery, pain and humiliation in the eyes of others.

The Sunflower
The Sunflower is a famous book by the legendary Nazi hunter, Simon Weisenthal. It was published in 1968 and was just one of the books that Weisenthal wrote. The book revolves around his experiences as a young man in the Nazi death camps. The title of the book comes from

by James Rondinone March 6, 2023 SALVATION BY REPENTANCE AND FAITH: WHAT CAUSES AN UNBELIEVER TO HAVE A RELATIONSHIP WITH CHRIST? The Church Age is the current age in which we now live. It encompasses the time from the day of Pentecost to the rapture of the church. And yet

Is there such a thing as HOUSEHOLD SALVATION?
by James Rondinone May 26, 2023 SALVATION BY WATER BAPTISM: IS THERE SUCH A THING AS HOUSEHOLD SALVATION? What we’re are going to investigate here is whether a baby’s parent’s faith would provide repentance for their sins and belief in Christ. We could extend this by asking whether the head

The True Gospel
By Don Preece August 16, 2020 The true gospel. What does that really mean? Many in today’s society teach that the gospel is simply that Jesus Christ, the son of God, died for the sins of the world on the cross at Calvary and rose again three days after for our justification.