Devotionals and interviews
Worship, a Key to Success
by FREDERICK HOEHN 11/16/2013 Norvel Hayes is a Bible Teacher out of Cleveland, Tennessee. He has had some revelations from the Lord. The Lord told brother Norvel. “My people don’t worship me enough, and you don’t either, son. You tell the people that if they’ll spend time worshiping me, they can
The War on Men
Everyday, I seem to find something new to tell me that this world is getting weirder and weirder. Now people are saying that men are wrong just for being men. I guess that you may think I have been living in a closet, since there have been people saying such
What does it mean when God says you are righteous?
by James Rondinone November 2, 2023 I think that most of us have sought this out in our lives from others. I only ever sought this from my father. I was, to my dismay, an only child. My mother, in her younger years, had a bad heart. After having me,
I have been hearing online a lot about MGTOW. MGTOW stands for Men Going Their Own Way, a movement among men of not allowing their lives to be caught up with dating, marriage, or male/women relationships in general. I believe that it started in the 1990s with women’s ability to
Pray for Donald Trump and Our Nation
Please pray for Donald Trump, Joe Biden, and our nation. We need to be doing this everyday. This past weekend’s events show us that we are in desperate need, now more than ever. 1 Timothy 2:1-2 First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made
Children’s Bible Stories
A few years ago, I was directing a couple plays at our church. Now, these were not large productions. They were just little productions out of the children’s Sunday school group. One was a puppet show and another was a actual staged production. For the puppet show, I had asked
The Kid at the Convenience Store
A few days ago I had a need to go to the local convenience store. Behind the counter was a young person who was transgender. They(?) were obviously very nervous that I would judge them. I did not want to judge them. I have met trans-people before, but I could
A Tribute to Man and Woman: The Odd Forgotten Breed
by G YVONNE 10/18/2018 “21. And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; 22. And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her
Men of Value Interview-Fred Becker
My wife and I operate an estate sales service operation. That connects us to a lot of interesting people and most of the time it inserts us into a difficult time in their life. There are many occasions that the family has lost someone or that a senior mother and/or
John Lennon and Yoko Ono’s 1971 song Imagine is such a famous and harmonious song. It is sung by the entire crowd in Times Square every New Year’s Eve. Despite its melodic tune I always found it to be cringey. I found its attacks on religion in general cringey as