Devotionals and interviews
Last Professional Priest
By Gerjo Ben Van Der Merwe September 05, 2021 Some people are all thumbs. They can’t fix anything that’s broken in the house. They don’t even know what tools to use. Well, many of them don’t even have a toolbox that’s worth mentioning. But some others can fix anything. It’s as
You Will Own Nothing and Be Happy (or else)
I have a friend from graduate school that I recently heard from over the Christmas holiday. We had studied Instructional Technology at Northern Illinois University and gone to church together occasionally. I asked him if he would like to do an interview for Men of Value. He declined saying that
Love is Not the Answer
I remember many years ago, having a debate about religion with a guy who was a Christian Scientist. He said something in his zeal to convince me that the Lord was not actively involved in the world that I thought was very profound. When I told him that Jesus loved
Who is John Galt? I am John Galt (Sort of)
Ayn Rand’s book, Atlas Shrugged involves a mystery of a man named John Galt. An inventor who refuses to allow the United States government to control his invention. He forms a community of like-minded individuals who believe in the sanctity of work and self-direction. Now I confess I have not
The Paradox of Self-Anger
We usually associate anger with an intolerance of others. But what if the intolerance is toward one’s self. The familiar pathway for anger tends to be an attempt to humiliate or intimidate those whose worldview is incongruent with one’s own. This sense of entitlement emanates from feelings of superiority, arrogance, or even narcissism.
Andrew Jackson’s Inaugural Address
Andrew Jackson was a character. Thomas Jefferson was afraid of him. The Native Americans feared and hated him. The people of the United States loved him. No one could ignore him. Donald Trump reminds me of Andrew Jackson, a lot. Both of them got things done no matter who got
We at are proud to make Chris Kasperski our Man of the Year. He served his country proudly. He is a man of faith making a difference in the world. All of our interviewees: John Karraker, P.G. KASSEL, and L.A. MARZULLI are and we are thankful for all of
The Three Little Pigs
I have been thinking a lot lately about an idea I had a couple years ago which I shared with my young nieces. I told them that Jesus told a similar story to the story of the Three Little Pigs (do I have to remind you of it??) and that
You Can’t Always Get What You Want…
…..but if you try sometimes you may find, you get what you need! —-Keith Richards and Mick Jagger. A few days ago, my son and I were at the local playground and he wanted me to play tag and other games with him. I played with him for a while
Wake-Up Little Gen-Xers!
I remember hearing several older people in my life bemoaning how my generation has had it “easy”. We had no great war to fight. We had no real challenging moments. My generation is known as Generation X for this reason–we have no great event to define us. We certainly were